
Journalism, PR and Advertising


1) Focus on the words and expressions (study translation)


2) Write English translation of the words you see on your screen


3) Listen to the pronunciation of the words and type them

4) Complete the test by typing the correct translations

5) Match English words to their translations as quickly as possible


6) Play the game to test your knowledge of the words and save the planet from asteroids

Fashion is fuel for innovation

I Study the active vocabulary and focus on Ukrainian equivalents of English words.

innovation  – інновація
cutting edge  – передовий
flashback  – ретроспекція
middle class  – середній клас
intricate  – складний
embroidery  – вишивка
patterned  – з малюнком
fabric – тканина
inspire – надихати
inventor – винахідник
loom  – ткацький верстат
reach – досяжність
accessibility – доступність
chemistry – хімія
electricity – електрика
steam  – пара
conjure  – викликати
stretchier – більш еластичний
subtle – витончений
redefine – перецінювати, давати нове визначення
perception  – сприйняття
watch out – стережись
sportswear – спортивний одяг
swimsuit – купальник
celebrate  – звеличувати
physicality – тілесність
leisure – дозвілля
bell-bottoms – штани кльош
nonconformity  – невідповідність
flower power – сила квітів (символ культури хіпі)
compete – конкурувати
uniform – уніформа
yield – поступатись
casual  – повсякденний
daytime  – день
enable – давати змогу

II Answer the questions using vocabulary from exercise I.
  1. Do you like to wear intricate clothes? Which of your clothes are intricate?
  2. Do you often wear patterned fabrics? What pattern is your favourite?
  3. Did you wear uniform at school? Did you like it? What was your uniform like?
  4. Do you think that pupils should wear school uniform?
  5. Whose style inspires you?
  6. What clothes brands compete for the market in our country?
  7. Do you wear bell-bottoms? Are they in fashion this season?
  8.  What brands of sportswear are popular in our country?
  9. Which style do you prefer: formal or official style or casual clothes? Why do you like this style?
  10. What clothes do you wear at leisure?
  11. Do you agree that clothes and fashion can influence people’s success? How do you understand the phrase ‘dress for success’?

 III Watch the video and fill in the gaps with the words from the list.

Street ; electricity; sportswear; rock-and-roll; design; patterned; suits; success; innovation; mechanical; look; feel; daytime ; materials; miniskirts; leisure

Fashion is 1)____. It’s the cutting edge of how we 2)____, how we think, and how we 3)____. Flashback, 1700s: a growing middle class wants intricate embroidery and 4)____fabrics. Inspired by player pianos, inventors create a loom that takes instructions from the 5)____drum. Boom! The speed, reach, and accessibility of 6)____is revolutionized. Chemistry, 7)____, and steam conjure new materials that are lighter, stretchier, and more subtle than ever.
Women’s work is redefined and with it society’s perception of their bodies. Watch out! Here comes 8)____, swimsuits celebrating action, physicality, and 9)____. Politics, protests, and 10)____ give us 11)____, bell-bottoms, gender nonconformity and flower power. A new era on Wall 12)____ sees men and women compete in power 13)____. The ‘Dress for 14)____ uniform yields to more and more casual 15)____ look that expresses and enables creativity.

IV Study the active vocabulary and focus on Ukrainian equivalents of English words.

catwalk  – подіум
keep up – не відставати
sustainable  – який не шкодить навколишньому середовищу
safeguard  – захист
environment – навколишнє середовище
eliminate  – усунути
manufacturing waste – відходи виробництва
AR  – доповнена реальність
VR  – віртуальна реальність
dressing room – примірочна
in-store experience – досвід відвідування магазину
fad – примха
fuel  – пальне

V  Answer the questions using vocabulary from exercise IV.
  1. What style of clothes can we see on the catwalks this season?
  2. Do you think that people can wear clothes from catwalks in daily life?
  3. How can fashion be sustainable?
  4. Do you think that clothes and fashion can harm our environment? What should clothes brand and designers do to save the environment?
  5. What is your best and worst in-store experience?
  6. Do you think that new fashion trends are just a fad? Why or why not?
  7. Do you always try clothes on in the dressing room?
  8. Why in your opinion do people try to keep up with others and buy very expensive clothes?

VI Watch the video. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

Technology/television begins to play a bigger and bigger role in our diet/daily lives. Phones become fashion/profession, computers become clones/clothes. Click/blink – style goes global/orbital, social. Fast fashion brings the cardigan/catwalk to the streets like this. Fashion is about more than keeping up. It’s about designing the future/furniture we want to live in.  Will we demand sustainable matters/materials that safeguard our environment? Will we grow our clothes in bats or post/print them in our homes/domes? And when we’re able to use 3D digital drawing/design to create clothing; will all those custom threads eliminate manufacturing waste? Will AR and VR transform shipping/shopping turning our living rooms into restroom/showrooms, dressing rooms, and even catwalk? Or will technology/sociology transform the in-store experience into something entirely few/new? Innovation isn’t a fad, it’s fuel. For fashion progress/expresses is not only who we are, but also who we want/don’t to become.

VII Watch both parts of the video and answer the questions.
  1. What examples of connection between fashion and society does the video give?
  2. How did cheaper fabrics and new patterns appear in the history of fashion?
  3. What important historical events and changes do changes in fashion and clothes reflect?
  4. How and when did clothes become more accessible for the middle class?
  5. Can you give examples of clothes or styles that were important for history?
  6. How do changes in fashion reflect the changes of women’s role in society?
  7. What is Wall Street and what is its role in fashion history?
  8. How are clothes and technology connected?
  9. What changes can we see in the era of computers, phones, and social networks?
  10. How can 3D printers change clothes and fashion?
  11. Would you like to use a 3D printer to design your own clothes? What clothes would you like to create with 3D printers?
  12. How can VR and AR change the world of fashion?
  13. Would you like to use VR or AR technology to visit a virtual dressing room or a catwalk?
  14. What can fashion express and how is it connected to the future of society? 

Public relations enjoys an affiliation with marketing and advertising that sometimes causes confusion. Here are the differences:
Marketing is a management function. Its role is to identify needs and desires of potential customers and then to offer products or services to satisfy customer demands. Marketing involves what are commonly identified as the four P's: product development, placement, pricing and promotion. Marketing activities parallel public relations within most organizations.
Advertising is a communication tool. It generally involves the paid placement of an organization's promotional or sales messages in the media, though occasionally a media outlet waives the cost of advertising time or space for a nonprofit organization's public service message. Advertising is commonly associated with marketing, which regularly uses it to promote products and services. Occasionally, advertising is used for public relations purposes, such as when an organization engages in advocacy or image advertising.
         The disciplines of advertising, marketing and public relations come together in the concept of integrated communication (also called integrated marketing communication and marketing public relations). An emerging field, integrated communication seeks to combine both the functions and the various communication tools of the three disciplines. As companies downsize and consolidate functions, integrated communication is becoming not only a good idea but also an effective practice. Thus, the public affairs office of a college might handle advertising, promotional publications, media relations, newsletters and special events.

1 Transcribe the following words. Practice their pronunciation:
 Affiliation; satisfy; occasionally; advocacy; associate; various.

2 Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and expressions:
Management function; identify needs and desires; product development; placement; sales messages in the media; integrated communication

3 Give antonyms of the following words:
Distinction; similarity; dissatisfy; eliminate; free; disappearing; grow; divide.

4 Give derivatives of the following words:
 Confuse; price; occasion; size; news.

 5 Say if the following statements are true or false:
1 Public relations is opposed to marketing and advertising.  
2 Marketing always involves an element of image making.
3 Advertising is one of the instruments used in communication.
4 Advertising deals with paid placement and free placement of messages for nonprofit organizations.
5 Advertising is always used for public relations purposes.
6 Advertising, marketing and PR can be united in one concept.
7 It is important not to mix up integrated marketing communication and marketing public relations.
8 Integrated communication is a new concept.
9 Integrated communication is beneficial for small companies.
10 One PR office generally cannot handle several public relations activities.

Evidence of public relations abounds throughout the written history of civilization, suggesting that it is a natural and essential part of the fabric of society. Societies separated by miles and centuries display the elements of today's public relations practice: information, persuasion, reconciliation and cooperation.
People sometimes fail to comprehend the breadth of public relations, seeing only some of its activities. Two aspects of public relations—publicity and promotion – often are mistaken for the whole. Here is a more comprehensive look at the range of public relations activities:
Media relations attempts to develop a mutually beneficial relationship between an organization and the news media. This relationship involves pursuit of the news media as an outlet for organizational messages intended for various publics, as well as response to media inquiries about the organization and related issues.
Publicity, or press agentry, is somewhat related to media relations, but its focus is more on soliciting positive coverage for an organization or individual.
Internal relations tries to develop mutually beneficial relationships within the organization. It is sometimes identified with more specific subcategories, such as employee relations, volunteer relations, member relations, union relations and so on.
Special-events management focuses on the development and implementation of activities in which the organization can take its message to its publics.
Financial relations attempts to develop mutually beneficial relationships between the organization and the publics that provide its financial base. For businesses, this effort focuses on investors and financial analysts, and it frequently overlaps with financial media relations. For nonprofit organizations, the focus  is on the relationship with donors, foundations and corporate or governmental
benefactors, often involving the specialized activities of development and fund raising.
Consumer relations tries to develop mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and its customers, clients, and patrons – the people who use the product or service provided by the organization.
Community relations seeks to develop mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and its neighborhood or civic community.
Public affairs focuses on the development of mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and governmental groups or those involved in public policy issues. Lobbying is a specialized part of public affairs. When the military or a government agency uses the term public affairs, however, it refers to the full range of public relations activities.
Issues management is part of the research function of public relations that monitors the news media and the social-political climate. The purpose is to provide an early-warning system that identifies potentially troublesome issues in time for the organization to proactively deal with them.
Crisis communication or emergency public relations involves an organization's readiness to communicate in situations involving physical disaster, accident or injury; financial problems; moral, social or legal offenses; ineffectiveness of a product or service; victimization or exploitation; and rumors about any of these.
As you can see, the discipline of public relations embraces a range of activities aimed at developing and enhancing mutually beneficial relationships with many groups of people who can affect or are affected by the organization and, therefore, are important to an organization's mission.
The public relations practitioner serves a vital function within an organization. This person manages the tools of communication, identifies and analyzes problems, interprets the organization's publics to the organization and the organization to its publics, and counsels on social responsibility. The public relations practitioner also monitors the process of producing messages – from research through development to dissemination. Through it all, the public relations practitioner is a writer –one whose writing should be clear, concise, focused and, most of all, effective.

1 Transcribe the following words. Practice their pronunciation:
Evidence; civilization; persuasion; reconciliation; pursuit; mutually; beneficial; volunteer; consumer; crisis; practitioner; vital.

2 Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and expressions:
Written history of civilization; breadth of public relations; outlet for organizational messages; media inquiries; press agentry; soliciting positive coverage; internal relations; relationships within the organization; overlap; financial media relations; nonprofit organizations; donors; benefactors; fund raising; neighborhood; civic community; public affairs; early-warning system; troublesome issues; proactively; emergency public relations; physical disaster; victimization; rumor; embraces a range of activities; tools of communication; dissemination;

3 Give antonyms of the following words:
Lack; oral; united; succeed; separate; limited; negative; unrelated; negative; seldom; profit; passively; effectiveness; irresponsibility; long/wordy.

4 Give derivatives of the following words:
Persuade; reconcile; variety; cover; invest; finance; government; manage; active; ready; offend; victim; exploit.

5 Say if the following statements are true or false:
1 Public relations is closely connected with the history of society.
2 Public relations is whole, no aspect can be singled out in it.
3 Beneficial relationships between organizations and news media are provided by media relations.
4 Positive coverage for an individual or organization is studied by special-events management.
5 Beneficial relationships between organizations are provided by internal relations.
6 Financial relations and financial media relations often overlap.
7 The purpose of issues management is to find sources of trouble.  
8 It is important no tot mix up crisis communication and emergency public relations.
9 Crisis communication deals with rumors about disasters.
10 Public relations practitioner needs to write as part of his job.

6 Answer the questions
1 What elements of public relations can be found in history of societies?
2 What are the key aspects of PR?
3 Can you enumerate basic public relations activities?
4 What procedures does media relations involve?
5 How is publicity different from media relations?
6 How is financial relations different for businesses and nonprofit organizations?
7 How do military agencies understand term public affairs?
8 What is the purpose of issues management?
9 What are the components of crisis communication?
10 What is the role of public relations practitioner in the company?

Public relations is a complement to journalism, a system of delivering newsworthy information to readers, listeners and viewers. Going beyond the journalistic role, public relations also is a strategic process that involves research, planning, decision making and problem solving.
Using public relations, an organization first identifies issues it faces and publics that are important to resolving the issue. Next, the organization considers what it should do and say to enhance its relationships with key publics. Then it frames and presents its messages. As a writing activity, public relations requires the same skills of clarity and precision that are needed for print and broadcast journalism. Persuasive communication has been at the heart of much social and political development. It is a foundational element of democracy that played a major role in the American Revolution as well as the movements for abolition, women's suffrage and civil rights. Today, public relations is arriving in sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern Europe and other areas of emerging democracies where increasing accountability is expected of government and commercial leaders.
More than being an ancient art, public relations also is becoming a contemporary science. This is nowhere more true than in the political arena. Recent political campaigns have become sophisticated strategic experiments with in-depth research, nuanced crafting of messages, careful and costly implementation, and ongoing evaluation.
The profession of public relations provides an outlet for much persuasive communication today. It is a rapidly growing field that offers many options for competent writers.

1 Transcribe the following words. Practice their pronunciation:
Viewer; strategic; organization; enhance; require; persuasive; sophisticated; persuasive

2 Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and expressions:
Complement; newsworthy information; involve; problem solving; identifies issues it faces; skills of clarity and precision; foundational element; abolition; women's suffrage and civil rights; accountability.

3 Give antonyms of the following words:
Within; unimportant; private; weaken; obscurity; minor; is leaving; follower; modern; old; careless; cheap; slowly.

4 Give derivatives of the following words:
Deliver; listen; relate; foundation; commerce; deep; implement; go; value; persuade; competence.

 5 Say if the following statements are true or false:
1 Public relations is a branch of journalism.
2 Public relations helps strengthen the relations with the public.
3 Precision is very important in public relations.
4 Public relations is limited to developed countries.
5 Public relations serves both political and business leaders.
6 Public relations has a long history.
7 Modern political campaigns don’t need PR any more.
8 Recent political campaigns are expensive.
9 Research is a key element of PR campaign.
10 PR offers career opportunities to specialists.

6 Answer the questions
1 What components does public relations as a system include?
2 What are the elements of PR as a strategic process?
3 How can an organization use public relations?
4 What skills are important in PR?
5 What historical social and political events involved PR?
6 Where is PR expanding nowadays?
7 What value does PR have for developing countries?
8 Does PR have any scientific foundations?
9 What elements of PR are used in contemporary political campaigns?
10 What are the features of PR as profession?

An important part of public relations work is the image. What is meant by image? It can be defined as being the impression gained according to the level of knowledge and understanding of facts (about people, products or situations). Wrong or incomplete information will give a wrong image. For example, people often refer to India, meaning the whole sub-continent, whereas in fact India is only part of it, together with Pakistan and Bangladesh, both independent states in their own right.
Different images
There are several different sorts of image, all of which have roles for
public relations:
·        the mirror image  what we think we look like,  often an illusion due to wishful thinking.
·        the current image  what people outside think of an organization, or a person. Often this image is due to misunderstanding, lack of knowledge and understanding, or even to hostility.
·        the wish image  the image that the organization wishes to achieve.
·        the corporate image  the image of an organization. This is very important in public relations terms, and is made up of many facts, such as its history, reputation, stability, financial success etc. The corporate image is how an organization presents itself to the outside world.
·        the multiple image sometimes organizations have different divisions, with each having its own, quite separate corporate identity, or image. This can be confusing to the public, but can be overcome by using symbols, badges or other means to provide an identifiable.

1 Transcribe the following words. Practice their pronunciation:
Gain; knowledge; whereas; hostility; achieve; badge; identifiable.

2 Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and expressions:
In their own right; mirror image; wishful thinking; current image; corporate image;   public relations terms; outside world; multiple image; confusing to the public; can be overcome.

3 Give antonyms of the following words:
   Lost; right; complete.

4 Give derivatives of the following words:
  Reference; dependent; understand; stable; corporation; divide; identify.

 5 Say if the following statements are true or false:
1 Image is basically a gained impression.
2 If information is not complete image can still be correct.
3 There are 7 common types of images.
4 Mirror image is not always quite true. 
5 Current image often results from incomplete understanding.
6 Well-known products have wishful images.
7 Financial component is not important in corporate image.
8 Corporate image includes image of the product or service.
9 Multiple image deals with one and the same organization. 
10 There is no chance to overcome misunderstanding resulting from multiple image.

How to Make It: Art Director

1 Watch the video  and put the words into the gaps in the text

     - My name is Anna Billson, and I’m an art director.
What do you actually do?
- An art director is someone who basically (1)____ the look in the field of the design of everything that we do. So for publishing that means everything from the (2)____ and right through to (3)____ on the pages, every single illustration. I work within children's publishing, so what I do (4)_____ books from first simple books, which have no words at all, to teenage novels.
How did you start?
-  I (5)____, actually, not working in publishing, not really knowing what I wanted to do after I left college where I had done graphics (6)____. And it was through a series of connections and making (7)____ with people that I got the (8)____ to go into publishing as a (9)____ designer. And once I was there I realized it was kind of combining my lifelong (10)____ for design and also books.  It just got from there basically, that was 15 years ago. And I slowly made my way up the ladder.
The importance of internship.
- I think internships and work (11)____ are incredibly important but what I would say is really key, it’s making sure that you find the right ones for you. If you are just  hectic in approach, it isn't necessarily going to stand you in (12)____ stead. If I’m looking at a (13)____ or CV of someone who just has 10 different internships all over the place, that immediately (14)____ me as someone who doesn’t know what they want to do. I want people who have a passion for what they want.
How to stand out.
-  What makes people stand out for me it’s their portfolio, it’s seeing that the kind of design they do really fits our publishing and it’s their character. Basically it’s how they come across: whether they’re (15)___, whether they feel engaged, whether I think they are going to work (16)____.
What to do when you get in.
- If you are lucky enough to get a work (17)____ or an internship, because they are incredibly difficult to get, you really, really need to make the most of it: ask questions all the time, you need to be really, really hungry, definitely not (18)___, helpful. Whatever you end up being asked to do in your time in that company: be it order a bit of (19)___ or design the front cover for the latest (20)____,  you need to do that  with good grace, but you also need to do it in the absolutely best way you can, and that's what'll get you noticed basically. People will remember you for being (21)___, helpful and engaged.  
Top 5 tips.
-  Number one is: (22)___ matters.  I recruit for design roles and the first thing I see is a CV and a (23)___ letter. And if that CV or covering letter doesn’t look good then I’m just not interested in what it says basically. That’s your (24)___ to me to prove that you can design, so make sure it looks good.
- Tip number two: smile and you’ll be amazed how far a smile can get you.
- Tip number three is: work hard.  I think, yeah, I’ve said it before, work hard on anything you do. No job is too small, get on with it, do it well and you will be remembered.
- My forth tip is: be honest. Be honest about what you know but actually also be honest about what you don’t know. I think it's really important.
- My last tip is: engage, engage with every aspect of the business you want to be in, not just your little bit. Everyone has to work together and so if you focus just on your little bit of the job and think too instantly and think: “That's not my job”, you are not going to get anywhere.
The importance of qualifications.
- In the roles that I recruit for I would say that (25)___ are not essential, actually. I look, I’ve looked initially at CVs and covering letters, then I look at people’s portfolios and I judge them then on what these portfolios look like. If they've got a first from a top design (26)___ or they've got a third actually or they’ve just managed to scrape a school qualification in design I'm really actually not that (27)____ in that.
So what impresses you?
- Things that (28)____ me are applications that have really been thought through and it's very (29)___ that someone wants to work in publishing, and that they want to work in children’s publishing. I've had people create a kind of mini picture book, for instance, which showcases the examples of their illustration, the (30)____ and the general design of the book. Things like that really stand out for me.
Last words of advice.
-  Be determined, be patient and put in the hard work.

front cover

started off







2 Vocabulary focus. Study the words and  word combinations, practise their translation, spelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play vocabulary game and set your own vocabulary game record.

3 Mark the following statements as True or False
1.     Art director creates logos.
2.     The speaker wanted to work in publishing all her life. She studied publishing at college.
3.     Work experience is important for people who want to become art directors.
4.  People who have passion for their job have good chances of becoming art directors.
5.     It is a bad idea to ask questions when you are on a work placement.
6.   You need to show your colleagues that you are more professional and know everything better than they do to have a good internship.
7.     Internship is always about creating design; small things like ordering paper and pens for your office is not part of your job, so you shouldn’t help your colleagues with it.
8.     Portfolio and CV are more important than qualification.
9.     Only top college graduates can get jobs in publishing.
10.  It’s easy to get a work placement.
11.  Unusual portfolio can help you to impress your art director.
12.  Never smile during interview.
13.  It’s a bad idea to tell colleagues about things you don’t know. Being honest cannot help you to get ahead with your job.
14. People who have different internships don’t really know what they want to do.
15. It’s important to work hard all the time.

4 Answer the Questions
1.     What does the job of an art director involve? What functions does art director have in publishing industry?
2.     How can people make the most of their internship?
3.     What qualities should a person have to stand out?
4.     What should a person do if he/she gets an internship?
5.     What is the role of CV and portfolio? Which can impress recruiters more?
6.     What is the role of work experience?
7.     Are qualifications necessary? 
8.  What are the top five tips for future art directors? Which tip is the most useful in your opinion?


Understanding brands

Read the text and put the words into the gaps 

Just like you, me, and everybody else, a brand has a (1)____. And it’s that personality that (2)____ are really buying into when they make a (3)____.
Erninio Putignano: - When brands started, well, they were purely a (4)___, a way to (5)____ things. That was actually branding, so in many ways you may say that brands started the way you started (6)____ animals: to define a sense of ownership, who owns those animals or pottery. And this is fundamentally how brands started and it has been in the last, let’s say, 20-30 years that in many ways the role of brands has changed. It’s still about identifying something, providing a clear sense of (7)____ about something. But more and more brands are starting to get some additional meanings. It's not so much what you see, that matters when it comes to the brand: that (8)____, that logo, those colors. More and more when we talk about brand it’s more about what’s the idea behind. What (9)___ the people who created the brand were trying to achieve, to see by creating that brand. So it’s more and more becoming abstract, more (10)___, it is more about the idea.
So when you think about the brand that everybody’s (11)____ with, let’s say Apple. What is really Apple as a brand? Is it really just that logo? Well, not really. There’s more than that: the message about (12)___, playfulness - that is really the Apple brand.  With  seemingly endless choices at our  (13)____ why is that we (14)___ some brands and not others? Why do most (15)___ and what makes the (16)____ brands successful? Take companies such as Rolex, Volkswagen, Levi’s. They've been around for decades and decades, but why? What have these companies achieved to ensure the longevity the (17)___ than many of their competitors have not?
Erninio Putignano: - They are successful because behind those brands there’s a clear idea of what they (18)___ for. There is also a very clear (19)___ to understand what the people really want but not just by listening to people and asking them “What do you want?” More and more successful brands are brands that are able to create a sort of (20)____, a sort of dialogue with their (21)____, with their consumers.






1 Vocabulary focus. Study the words and word combinations, practise their translation, spelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play vocabulary game and set your own vocabulary game record.

2 Mark the following statements as True or False

1.     Brands have personality like people.Successful brands have beautiful logo designs.
2.     Branding was connected with the sign of price.
3.     When people buy brands they are interested in the idea, not in the logo.
4.     Successful brands ask consumers what they want.
5.     A lot of brands become successful.
6.     Good message behind the brand can make the brand successful.

3 Answer the Questions
1.     How did branding begin?
2.     What did brand mean in its early days? How did this situation change?
3.     Can we say that brand is just a logo? 
4.     Why are some brands successful? Can you give example of successful brands?
     5. What do successful brands have or do to stay successful for many years?


  1. "Understanding brands
    Watch the video and put the words into the gaps in the text"
    This link doesn`t work :(

    1. Unfortunately the link was permanently broken, so there is no video for this task. It contains only text and exercises.
