Design Sports Poster
I Study the active vocabulary and focus on Ukrainian
equivalents of English words.
walk somebody
through допомогти кому-небудь розібратись ( у справі)
link посилання
click клацнути
drag перетягнути
create створити
load завантажити
resolution роздільна здатність
edit редагувати
clarity slider
слайдер (повзунок) чіткості
tab вкладка
hue колірний тон
show up з’являтись
світловий ефект
shadow тінь
tutorial консультація
grab захопити
lasso tool
інструмент "ласо"
polygon багатокутник
regular звичайний
II Watch the video and
fill in the gaps with the words from the list. There are several words you
don’t need to use.
So, you were provided this 1)_______ here of images of the football team, on the post for this
assignment. They’re right there. So what I'm going to do is walk you through
it. If I 2)_______ this link here,
it opens up this Google Drive here. Let’s give this a second load. I'm going to
3)_______ a photo of this football
player, and I'm going to 4)_______ it.
It's going to go to my browser, you'll see it here. I'm going to click and drag
it directly into 5)_______. While
that's loading, this is what I've created, and this is what you're going to be
able to create. When the 6)_______ loads,
it loads in is a camera raw file. In simple terms these shots were shot at a
very high 7)_______, called a raw
file, that allows us to do a lot of things before we even start 8)_______. So for this picture the
first thing I'm going to do is drag the clarity slider up right here. I'm going
to drag the saturation, it’s not there. So I'm going to leave that. I'm going
to go to the 9)_______ tab over
right, here where it says ‘hues, sat’. This one. I'm going to click that, and you're going to
be right here. But what I want you to do is then 10)_______ right here, then click here, and drag these all down
except yellow and green. When I grab 11)_______,
aqua, I'll turn all those down. We’re
just going to leave the 12)_______,
so yellow and green show up. I'm going
to go back here after doing that, and I'll pull the highlights up just a
little, shadows up. That will give a little bit of the 13)_______ content on the image. And then I'm going to say ‘14)_______ image’. Again that’s what I created right
there. And if you follow this tutorial, you'll be able to create something
similar to that. Here’s our 15)_______ right here. I'm going to go
ahead and grab the lasso tool. Yours
might be set to the polygon lasso tool. So make sure it's set to the regular
lasso 16)_______. And if you don't
see, I have created a 17)_______ workspace
III Study the active vocabulary and
focus on Ukrainian equivalents of English words.
робоча область
pop-up меню, що випадає
hold down
circle коло
backward зворотній
go ahead продовжувати
flyer листівка
create створювати
untitled без
cursor курсор
zoom out зменшувати
bounding box
обмежувальна рамка
button кнопка маски
default за
передній план
brush пензлик
hardness жорсткість
spacebar пробіл
repeat повторити
layer шар
layer шар маски
keyboard клавіатура
edge край
bracket квадратні скоби
helmet шолом
IV Watch the video.
Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
You can
go to ‘window’ – ‘workspace’ and choose/lose/choice
‘photography’ and you'll see this pop-up right here. I'll do that right here
and you’ll see. Here's window ‘workspace photography’. So I'm going to use my lasso rule/drool/tool. I'm going to freak/freeze/click, hold down my mouse,
and go around this image right here, holding down my mouse/louse/mice, going across. Now I'm going to hold down Option
(the speaker is using Mac, on a PC it’s Alt) and make little circus/circles/cubicle closing them to
close this off more. You don’t have to close your circle, you just, kind of,
have to do a backward/reward/upward
C. I'm holding down Option as I do this. Notice, when I hold down Option, the
negative symbolic/symbolism/symbol
comes in. If I hold down Shift, I can add to my collected/selection/election. I can add to it by holding down Shift
and clicking, and holding down. So I have the image where I want. I'm ready for
the next step/stop/top. I want to go
ahead and go to file New. The idea is to be creating a flyer or a position/poster/repost that we can
create and print out. I'm going to go to Print. I'm going to go change my few/view/blew. In this case I'm going
to change it to here, make sure it's on Portrait, Letter. Say ‘Late/Create/Created’. I'm going to go back to my file here. I'm
going to grab the Move tool. I'm going to click and hold down the Move tool and
I'm going to move/groove/movement
it. While I'm flicking/tickling/clicking
and holding down, I'm going to go over my untitled folder. I'm still holding
down. I just went over it and as I drag my sorry/cursor/curator
back down here and let go, the image will appear. I'm going to hold down
Command – (minus) to zoom out a couple of times (for PC it’s Ctrl -). Your
image might be big and you don't notice it but once I hit Command + T (Ctrl +T
for PC) you might see a bounding box going around here. I'm going to hold down
Shift and Option (Shift +Alt for PC) and I'm going to click the right corner
and I'm going to pull/full/fool it
in. As I'm ready and now I'm going to let go of my right hand first, and then
my leaves/believed/left hand and I'm
going to hit Return. I'm going to pull this up because I already have the move
tool. I'm going to then click on the mask button. Then I hit D on my road/keyboard/floorboard to default my
colours to black and white, and hit X. It's going to bling/cling/bring black to the foreground. I'm going to click on my
brush tool here and click on my brush up here. When I get a simple brush/rash/rush, bring the hardness up
to 90. Click away from it, click on the clipboard and it will go away. I'm
going to hit Command + (Ctrl+) to zoom
in on my image, hold down spacebar to move it. And I'm going to begin painting
with barrack/black/lacking to make the image go away. Then what I'm going to do
is use something a little bit quicker to help/helper/yell
me. I'm going to use this thing called a ‘quick selection tool’. Make sure it's
set on that one right there. And I'm going to brush. I'm going to click and folder/hold/gold down and as I see, as
I do that for a little bit, I see that it's selected some dearts/carts/parts. I'm going to hold down Option (Alt for PC) and
hit Delete. By default all the stuff will disappear. I'm going to hit Command +
D (Ctrl +D) I'm going to repeat/compete/deleted
that step over here. If I go on and I get some of this, I'm going to hold down
Option (Alt) just paint back, just a little focus. I'm just painting, clicking,
and holding down. I added there, I'm just going to hold down Option (Alt) and
paint back. Now again I'm hitting Option +Delete (Alt+ Delete), Command + D
(Ctrl +D), click right here, Option +Delete (Alt+ Delete), Command +D (Ctrl
+D). I click right here, Option +Delete (Alt+ Delete), Command + D (Ctrl +D). Now I still got a little bit of a latte/silhouette/vignette here and
that's fine. We can we can clean that up. If at any time I start painting, and
my brush looks like I'm doing this right here, that means I'm on the wrong
layer. I need to be on my mask layer/prayer/flier.
I may hit Command +Z (Ctrl+Z) right there. If you do this, there's a little
thing here, you can go back a step
or you can hit Command+Z (Ctrl+Z). If
you need to go back several times hit Option+ Command+ Z (Ctrl+Alt+Z). So hit D
on my keyboard, default to black and right/brighter/white.
I'm going to make sure I'm on that mask layer and I'm just going to paint.
Cleaning that edge up right there, I can hit the left and right square brackets
to make my brush smaller and paint. X on my keyboard/reward/uploaded to bring image area back. I'm going to
paint this back right here. Bring that image back right there. Hit X to take
away. I paint that right there. There we go. Maybe a little bit on the helmet,
right. X and I bring it back. And that's where it should be, right there.
That's good. I'm going to hit Command – (minus) couple of times.
V Study the active vocabulary and focus
on Ukrainian equivalents of English words.
folder папка
current поточний
below нижче
Mode режим
multiply розмножити
drop відпустити
marquee tool прямокутник інструмент розмітки
type набирати текст
in low маленькими літерами
over навести курсор на
submit здавати
and burning tool інструмент «освітлювач» або «випалювання»
VI Watch the video and fill in the gaps with the words
from the list. You need to use ALL the words.
layer; green; brighter; contrast; down; type; tool; changed; want; black; click; tool
blue; same; darker; text; clouds; drag; directory; repeat; select; aggressive; drop
Now it's time to get the dark 1)________. That's the next step in this. So we got our image here.
Let's go get the clouds. Now the clouds for you are located in the folder up
here. Like football sports poster. It's dark clouds. Hold 2)________Control, click ‘Save Image As…’ you want to 3)________to save work here. It’s your
folder for the current period you're in, and then you'll see another folder, it
says download. I don't need to do that now because I've already done it. So I'm
going to go here, go File Open, click on my Downloads. You're going to click on
your Save Work here. I'm clicking in a different location. You all would follow
the same tree, so where you originally saved it. Click Open the File here. Grab
my Move 4)________, just like I did
a second ago. I'm going to click, hold down, and move it to here by clicking
and hold down and 5)________it. I'm
going to move it up. Now I'm going to pull it below, pull that layer below my
poster. Now if you 6)________these
steps over and over, you can do things. What we want to go ahead and do after
this. Now I'm going to go take it to the next level. I'm going to add another 7)________. I'm going to give it … I'm going to go to
solid colour. I'm going to fill it with a dark 8)________to create that green sky. Then I'm going to change the
Blend Mode to Multiply.
Then I'm going to 9)________my opacity. And I get light green. Now I see that it's
coming down here and I don't 10)________that
to happen. So I'm simply going to grab my rectangle marquee 11)________that's that one right there.
I'm going to 12)________over this
area right here, go to my mask layer and I'm going to hit Option+Delete or X
+Option+Delete and it masked that prevented that from happening. So Command +
D. I just I created a mask and I painted that area 13)________. You can do the 14)________thing
by simply going like this. You'll see the couple of blues, the 15)________is actually coming
back. Hit X, it was white and now it’s back. Now you
want to type. Click the text tool, click and drag over or down. I can 16)________out
in low. And if you don't see your type hit Command +A. Don't stress because your type colours are up
here. I click and drag down say ‘ENLOE vs. The World’ and this is alright. There we have it. We can 17)________there, I can hit Return, I can size that up by just
simply clicking and hovering over this, centre it. I have completed the first
step. I've used a mask, 18)________the
colour here. I'm going to take it. If you got in here, you can submit it.
If you want
to take it to the next level, I'm going to show you some cool things. This is
the Dodging and Burning tool. If I click on this tool right here, it's not
going to let me do it to a 19)________layer.
But I'm going to go to my clouds here. And if I click it right here, it's
pretty 20)________. It's going to
make my sky a little bit brighter. I can hold down Option and burn areas. That
makes it 21)________. I can do the
same thing to my guy here. If I don't like the way he looks, I can click on him
with the Dodging and Burning tool. I can make him 22)________or darker. For example in the really cool poster I made
I dodged and burned a lot to create this dark 23)________. You might not have to do that.
VII Match commands or tools to their
use in Photoshop.
to lighten or darken an image
to add
new areas to the selection
to draw selection outlines based on polygonal shapes
lasso tool
to remove an unwanted area from a selection (after it was selected with a lasso tool)
lasso tool
change the size of the object
to zoom
down Option
a convenient place to readily store data that you wish to
copy and paste
down Shift
to zoom
in on the image
to set the
foreground/background colours to
– (minus)
to fill the selection with the foreground colour (make
parts of image disappear)
+ T
to adjust the intensity, or richness of colour
to go
back a step
key D
to move
key X
to create a selection
to move
the selected area
to create a layer
to repeat
the previous command
down spacebar
to obscure the layer
or reveal the layer under it
selection tool
to blend our
selected layer with the layer below
Option +
the working area of Photoshop
+ D
to paint the current foreground colour on an image
+ Command +Z
to make rectangular selections
within an image
to select all
Mode: Multiply
select part of an image
to lighten or darken areas of the image
marquee tool
to add clarity to your photos
to multiply each
component in the two layers
and Burning tool
to switch the foreground and
background colours
VIII Watch all the parts of the video and answer the
How does the speaker change the size of the images?
What tools or commands does he use?
How does the speaker change colours of the image
and background using Photoshop tools?
How does the speaker use brush tool in
IX OVER TO YOU. Follow the steps
described in the videos and design YOUR poster of a sports team. You can design a poster for a football
team or a team of your choice (basketball, hockey, etc.). The photos of
athletes and clouds are not provided, so find them yourself. Remember that the
speaker uses MAC, if you have a PC remember the difference in keys and
commands. Bring the poster into the class to present to other students.
Simply make the following substitutions:
Mac: Command =
Windows: Ctrl
Mac: Option = Windows: Alt
Mac: Delete = Windows: Backspace
Mac: Control = Windows: Right-Click