
Thursday 10 April 2014

PR and Integrated Disciplines

1 Watch the video and put the words into the gaps in the text.

Today we аre going to have a (1)___ lesson. And the term is “public relations”. “What is (2)____?” This is a term that I hear very frequently (3)____, sometimes, unfortunately, even among my peers. Many people think that PR is getting a (4)____ or client’s name printed or (5)___ in the news media, which formerly we would call ‘(6)___ relations’. Media relations is and can be a function of public relations, but that is not ‘public relations’ defined. That would be like saying a point of purchase (7)___ or a direct (8)____ piece is ‘marketing’.
In my studies, I have come across many attempts to define ‘public relations’ and here is my favorite. It says that ‘public relations’ is the management function that builds and (9)____ relationships with the key (10)____ of people, the ‘publics’, upon which the success or failure of your (11)____ depends. In short, what that means is PR is all about increasing exposure and also staying on (12)____ terms with the people who could make or break your business.
A key phrase to pull out of that definition I just gave was ‘(13)____ and maintaining relationships’. How do we go about building and maintaining relationships in our daily lives, professionally and personally? It’s all about effective communication - and that’s where a public relations professional can really help. A (14)____ PR pro knows that while media relations could be an important part of a public relations campaign, there are many other communication challenges and (15)___ that they may be able to help a client or an (16)____ address.
For example, other functions include internal (17)___ - that might involve increasing employee morale or getting a (18)___ or key (19)___ to buy (20)____ a certain idea that an organization is proposing. It could have to do with crisis management. It could have to do with (21)____ and getting out there on a (22)____ to increase exposure among your community. But most importantly, it’s about figuring out what you’re trying to (23)____ as an organization, who are you trying to motivate and connect with, and then you think about how you do that. Public relations is not just media relations. It is about building and maintaining relationships with the key groups of people who (24)___ your business.

public relations




community relations
grassroots level

2 Vocabulary focus. Sudy the words and  word combinations, practise their translation, spelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play vocabulary game and set your own vocabulary game record.


3 Mark the following statements as True or False.

1.     Sometimes people don’t understand term ‘PR’ and don’t use it correctly.
2.     PR is about creating and maintaining relations with key publics.
3.     PR is the same as media relations.
4.     Direct mail is the same as marketing.
5.     Key groups of people could make or break your business.
6.     Marketing’s all about effective communication.
7.     Internal campaign is not part of PR.
8.     Internal campaign is an attempt to influence business partners in other countries.

4 Answer the Questions.
1.     What does term ‘PR’ stand for? What does term ‘media relations’ mean?
2.     Are PR and media relations practices connected?
3.     How do people usually understand PR? Are their definitions correct?
4.     Why is ‘building and maintaining relationships’ important in PR?
5.     What kind of public can an internal campaign influence?

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