
Tuesday 27 February 2018

Designing a book cover in Photoshop

Designing a book cover in Photoshop

I Study the active vocabulary and focus on Ukrainian equivalents of English words.

dimensions – розміри
inch – дюйм
width  ширина
height – висота
canvas – полотно
front cover – перша сторона обкладинки
back cover – задній бік обкладинки
spine – корінець
margin – поле
saturation – насиченість
merge – з’єднувати
omit – пропускати
drag – перетягнути
tab – вкладка
adjust – налаштувати
accordingly – відповідно
elongate – розтягувати
copy and paste – копіювати і вставляти
eyedropper tool – піпетка (інструмент програми Photoshop)
layer – шар
mask layer – шар маска
background – фон
apply – застосовувати
reduce – зменшити
opacity – непрозорість
font – шрифт
rectangle – прямокутник
blending – накладання
gradient – градієнт
radial gradient – радіальний градієнт
overlay effect – ефект перекриття
slider – слайдер
multiply – множення
insert – вставити
preview – попередній перегляд
justified –за шириною (вирівнювання тексту)
barcode – штрих-код
rotate – обертати
degree градус

II Answer the questions using vocabulary from exercise I.
  1. What information can you find of the front cover of a book?
  2. What information does a back cover contain?
  3. What can readers see on the spine of a book?
  4. What is eyedropper tool used for in Photoshop?
  5. What is mask layer in Photoshop?
  6. What effect can radial gradient create in Photoshop?
  7. How can designers change saturation of the images in Photoshop?
  8. How can designers adjust images in Photoshop?
  9. What instruments can designers use to rotate images in Photoshop?
  10. What can designers drag and drop using Photoshop?
  11. How can a user insert an image into a tab in Photoshop?

III Watch the video and fill in the gaps with the words from the list

Adobe; edges; opacity; cover; brightness; drag; right;  height; changes; color;  round brush; design;  image;  layers;  front;  background; adjust;  mask layer;  vertical;  dimensions; elongate; spine

In this tutorial we will teach you how to 1)____ a book cover in 2)____ Photoshop. Open a new document and set the 3)______ to 12 inches in width and 8.5 inches in 4)______. The canvas needs to be divided into the 5)_____ cover, back 6)_____, and spine of the book. Draw a 7)_____ margin line at 5.5 inches and then another one at 6.5 inches. The 8)____ side is the front cover, the left side is the back cover, and the area between the two margin lines is the 9)____ of the book. Now, open the 10)____ which you want to use for the cover, add the hue/saturation layer over the image layer and change its color and 11)____. Now select both the 12)____ and press Ctrl+E to merge them. If your image does not need any 13)______, then you can omit this step. Once the image is ready, 14)_____ it to the tab where you divided the canvas. Place it on the front cover of the book and 15)______ its size accordingly. Make sure you do not 16)_____ the picture as such. Rather copy and paste the end portions to increase its size. Now select the eyedropper tool and pick a 17)____ from the image that you want. Then select layer 1 and fill it with the color you chose. Once done, create a 18)_____ on the image and use the soft 19)_____ to clean its sharp 20)_____ so that it merges with the 21)____. Apply this brush once on the edges, reduce its 22)_____ and then apply it again.

IV Watch the video. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

Draw meaning/margin lines on all the four sides/slides of the front cover, each with a distance of 0.25 inches/itches from the edge of the canvas. Now add the text on the book cover and for that use different forums/fonts for the book title and the fame/name of the author. The front cover/over is now ready. Once the front cover is complete, use the rectangle tool to draw/throw a rectangle/angle the same size as the back cover of the book, which over here is 5.5 inches by 8.5 inches. Go to its bending/blending options, select the gradient/gradual options and apply a radial gradient to it. Once you have applied the gradient overlay fact/effect, select it from the layer and open to edit/ add it. Adjust the right gradient slider to 1b494f and the left one at 82cab8. Change the layer mode to simplify/multiply. Draw margins on all four sides of the back cover as well, where each of them is at a distance of 0.25 inches from the corners. Now copy/poppy the title of the book and the author name from the front cover and adjust its side/size and placement on the back one. Make sure this text layer/flier is above the layer consisting of the paperback/back cover gradient. Use the Type tool/type to insert the preview of the book with the font type as Garamond and the size as 12-point and from the paragraph field/‘justified’. Once all the text is set, copy the author/barcode and the logo of the publisher and paste/post it at the back cover. Enter the price of the book and your back cover is ready/really. In the end, we will walk/work on the spine of the book. Copy the title and the name of the author of the book and paste it on the spine, press/progress Ctrl+T to select and rotate/edit the text to 90 degrees to the right. Adjust its size and placement, copy the logo at the ball/bottom of the spine, and the book cover is now ready for just/use.

V Watch all the parts of the video and answer the questions.
  1. What parts does a book cover include? What information can we find in each of these parts (e.g. price, author’s name)?
  2. How should designers change or edit the image they want to use for the front cover? What Photoshop tools can help them?
  3. How can colours of the image and background be edited using Photoshop tools?
  4. How do designers work with the back cover and spine?

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