Cambridge Analytica Used Algorithms to Trawl through Facebook User Data
Study the active vocabulary and focus on Ukrainian equivalents of English
admit – визнавати
improperly –
неналежним чином
sway –
habit – звичка
psychological –
voter – виборець
targeted –
advertising campaign –
рекламна кампанія
deny – заперечувати
wrongdoing – провина
former – колишній
staffer – співробітник
– приводити в дію
algorithm –
invisible –
decision –
allow – дозволяти
academic purpose – наукове призначення
move – хід
trove – скарб
pattern – модель
predict – прогнозувати
supply – запас
innocuous – нешкідливий
conduct – проводити
curly fries – картопля фрі, яка нарізана
intelligence – розумові здібності
claim – заява
verify – перевіряти
CEO – генеральний директор
apology – вибачення
testify – давати свідчення
controversy – дискусія
II Vocabulary
focus. Study the words and word combinations, check your understanding
using flashcards, practise
their translation, spelling. Check
your knowledge in the test. Play matching vocabulary game (match words to their
translations to make cards disappear) and save the planetfrom asteroids by typing in correct translation of the words.
Watch the video again and choose
the correct option to complete the sentences.
Facebook is under ire/criticism/fire after
admitting a political dates/data/profiling firm improperly/illegal/properly
received access to profile data from tens of billions/trillions/millions
of users and used it to try to play/delay/sway voting documents/habits/bits.
That firm, Cambridge Analytica, creates physical/psychological/physiological
profiles of voters and uses them to deliver highly marketed/targeted/tailored advertising brochures/speeches/campaigns.
The firm denies that it’s their doing/wrongdoing/misusing. But former offer/staffer/gaffer
Christopher Wylie told the Today Show: “This is a company that really took make/false/fake
news to the next level/limit/boundary by powering it with allegiances/rhythms/algorithms.”
Here is how those algorithms work. This is algorithmics, the place/phase/space
where we explore how invincible/invisible/reliable
computer-controlled race/erase/database sets of rules are making decisions/connections/proposals
for us every day. It all began in 2013, when University of Cambridge professor/fellow/lecturer
Alexandr Kogan developed an hope/prop/app that included a personality/nationality/compatibility
quiz that was stolen/installing/installed by around 300,000 Facebook users.
The app collected their quiz responsive/responses/responding as
well as their profile data and, here’s the array/delay/key, it collected
information from their Facebook friends too. Tens of billions/zillions/millions
of them. This was all allowed/followed/disallowed under a
Facebook policy, which has since been charged/changed/arranged.
Watch the video and fill in the gaps in the text.
Kogan reportedly told
Facebook he was collecting the data for 1)______ purposes. But then he 2)______
it to Cambridge Analytica, a move that broke the Facebook’s 3)______. Cambridge
Analytica used this trove of 4)______ to build the valuable 5)______ profiles
at the heart of the 6)______ its sells. They matched 7)______ responses with
quiz takers’ profile data. Then they developed 8)______ to find 9)______ in
those responses and 10)______ results for other users, 11)______ the algorithms
with the 12)______ supply of Facebook profile data and they had 13)______. This
shows that even seemingly innocuous data can be turned into highly 14)______
information. As the Guardian noted, a 15)______ study conducted in 2013
revealed 16)______ connections: liking curly fries gave clues about 17)______;
‘hello kitty’ indicated political 18)______. Collect dozens or hundreds of 19)______
plus other data and you can build a rich 20)______ of the American electorate.
Facebook 21)______ Cambridge Analytica, which strongly denies claims it acted 22)______
saying it 23)______ the data after learning Kogan broke Facebook’s rules. The
company also said it didn’t use this data in 24)______ it provided to Donald
Trump’s presidential campaign, a claim yet to be 25)______. Now Facebook 26)______
Mark Zuckerberg is on an apology tour offering 27)______ such as restricting
developers’ data access and has indicated 28)______ to testifying before
Congress. The 29)______ has renewed 30)______ not only about the privacy of
user data, but about the power of the data in political elections and about the
31)______ of the algorithms.
V Watch all the parts of the video and
answer the questions.
Why is Facebook criticised? What is it blamed for?
Why is Cambridge Analytica criticised? What is it accused of? Does the
company accept the criticism?
What type of services does Cambridge Analytica provide? What role does data
analysis play in the company’s services?
How was the connection between Cambridge Analytica and Facebook
established? Did the companies work together?
How was Cambridge Analytica able to get access to the users’ data and
profiles? What amount of data was collected?
What kind of information did Cambridge Analytica collect? How did the
company use this information?
What is algorithmics and how can it power data
Was Cambridge Analytica using the user’s data with the permission from
Facebook authorities?
How can innocuous data become important for the creation of
psychological profiles? What information can give clues to people’s preferences
and behaviour?
How can a company use user’s personal data to predict people’s
How did top management at
Facebook react to the controversy? What steps (if any) is the company going to
take to avoid similar situations in future?
Watch the video and read the text above. Say if the statements below are true
or false. Correct the false statements.
Cambridge Analytica admits improperly
receiving data from Facebook.
It is suspected that Cambridge
Analytica influenced voter’s behaviour and the results of elections.
Facebook is under fire after selling
data to a political data firm.
Cambridge Analytica helps politicians
target potential voters by studying people’s psychological portraits.
Kogan worked for Cambridge Analytica and helped spread fake news.
Facebook claims that it didn’t know
that the personality quiz app data would be used for commercial purposes.
A former Cambridge Analytica employee
told journalists about Facebook data leak.
Selling data to Cambridge Analytica was
against Facebook rules.
A Cambridge professor created a
Facebook quiz to collect data for academic purposes.
Cambridge Analytica was able to analyse
user’s responses to quiz questions and understood how many friends each user
Facebook CEO is going to change privacy
policy and data access regulations for the social network.
Even information that seems not
important can give a key to people’s behaviour.
Alexandr Kogan and
Cambridge Analytica work with big data. Find the answer to the questions in the Internet and get ready to discuss your findings in the class.
1) What does (did) Alexandr Kogan research focus
2) How does Cambridge Analytica use and analyse big data?
3) What is big data?
4) How can big data be
analysed? What can such analysis help to uncover?
5) Find examples of big data use
in research for academic and non-academic purposes.
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