
Sunday, 8 April 2018

Health and Nutrition: Is Gluten Really Bad for You?

Health and Nutrition
Is Gluten Really Bad for You?

I Study the active vocabulary and focus on Ukrainian equivalents of English words.

pasta – макаронні вироби
cookie – печиво
grocery – бакалія
overflow – переповнюватись
claim – претендувати
gluten free – що не містить глютену
impose – зобовязувати
labelling – маркування
protein – білок
occur – зустрічатися
wheat – пшениця
rye – жито
barley – ячмінь
comprise – містити
dough – тісто
chewy – жувальний
texture – якість
celiac disease  – целіакія (захворювання тонкого кишківника)
spur – стимулювати
immune  – імунний
response   реакція
damage – шкодити
intestine – кишківник
milder condition   менш тяжкий стан
sensitivity  – чутливість
ample   великий
blame   звинувачувати
discomfort – дискомфорт
vast majority – переважна більшість
digest – перетравлювати
exceed  – перевищувати
billion – мільярд
double   подвоювати
improve – поліпшувати
recent survey – недавнє опитування
indeed  – дійсно
cut out – виключати
white bread – білий хліб
dessert  – десерт
benefit  – користь
absence  – відсутність
trade – міняти
whole grain – цільне зерно
goody – смаколик
junk   мотлох
instead – замість цього
lack   не вистачати
fibre – клітковина
contain – містити
swear  off – відмовлятись від

II Vocabulary focus. Study the words and  word combinations, check your understanding using flashcards, practise their translationspelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play matching vocabulary game (match words to their translations to make cards disappear)  and save the planet from asteroids by typing in correct translation of the words.

III Watch the video and fill in the gaps with the words from the list. There are some words you don’t need to use.

Digesting; protein; foods; wheat; good; read; comprised; damages; compromised; American; British;  rules; gluten; cookies; sensitivity; condition; texture; sensibility; cooks it; Americans; grocery; free; elasticity; bread; discomfort; plasticity; little; bad; majority; disease; debate; flee; buns; texts; market

     Gluten 1)___________ pasta, gluten free 2)___________, gluten free 3)___________4)___________ shelves and restaurants are overflowing with 5)___________ that claim to be 6)___________ free.
Just this month 7)___________ regulators imposed new 8)___________ for gluten-free labelling. So what exactly is gluten and is it 9)___________ for you? Gluten is a 10)___________ that occurs naturally in 11)___________, rye, and barley. Gluten is 12)___________ of two smaller proteins gliadin and glutenin which gives dough 13)___________ and bread its chewy 14)___________. For the less than 1% of 15)___________ with celiac 16)___________ gluten spurs an immune response that 17)___________ their intestines. Others may have a milder 18)___________ called gluten 19)___________ though there’s ample 20)___________ over whether gluten is to blame for their 21)___________. The vast 22)___________ of people, however, have 23)___________ problem 24)___________ gluten.

IV Watch the video and fill in the gaps in the text.

That’s not 1)_______ a gluten-free business 2)_______. By 2017 gluten free food 3)_______ are expected to exceed 6.6     4)_______ dollars. That’s more than 5)_______ the sales from 2010. One third of 6)_______ believe a gluten free 7)_______ improves health according to a 8)_______ survey. And  9)_______ it just might. If going gluten free involves 10)___    ____ white 11)_______ and desserts, the 12)_______ of that diet likely have more to do with the 13)_______ of sugar rather than the absence of gluten. If a gluten 14)_______ diet involves trading whole 15)_______ for gluten free goodies, it may be 16)_______. Many gluten free foods are packed with other 17)_______ instead, including 18)_______, and lack the good 19)_______ and 20)_______ of more 21)_______ foods that contain gluten. For most 22)_______ simply swearing off gluten is not the 23)_______ to better health. A gluten free 24)_______ is still a cake.

V Watch all the parts of the video and answer the questions.
1. What are new gluten free types of food?
2. What is gluten? Where can gluten be found?
3. Is gluten synthetic or natural?
4. Do people believe gluten is bad for them? Why do they believe that?
5. What are the health problems gluten can cause? Do all people have these problems?
6. Do doctors know for sure that gluten is to blame for health problems?
7. Why can gluten free diet be good for people’s health?
8. Is it always good to cut out gluten?
9. What are the types of food or dishes people on gluten free diet do not eat?
10. What can people choose to use instead of gluten? Are these alternatives healthy?
11.What are the unhealthy ingredients in gluten free products?

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