
Sunday, 22 April 2018

Why are women paid less than men?

Why are women paid less than men?

I Study the active vocabulary and focus on Ukrainian equivalents of English words.
full-time з повною зайнятістю, повний робочий день
earn заробляти
senior керівний
executive адміністративний
tend мати схильність
occupation заняття
graduate job робота для дипломованого спеціаліста
caretaker доглядач
university degree університетська освіта
promotion просування по службі
motherhood материнство
hold  back стримувати
reduce зменшувати
switch змінювати
demanding вимогливий
scale back зменшувати
on average в середньому
gender equality гендерна рівність
childcare догляд за дітиною

II Vocabulary focus. Study the words and  word combinations, check your understanding using flashcards, practise their translationspelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play matching vocabulary game (match words to their translations to make cards disappear)  and save the planet from asteroids by typing in correct translation of the words.

III Watch the video and fill in the gaps in the text.

Women who work 1)______ still earn 2)______  less than men, but that’s not because they’re paid 3)______ for the same 4)______. It is because they’re in 5)______ jobs.
 6)______ are in less 7)______ jobs. In Britain, 8)______, and Germany 80 to 90% of 9)______ jobs are 10)______ by men. Women also 11)______ to choose different 12)______. In America over 80% of 13)______, nurses, 14)______, and health workers are 15)______. And these jobs tend to be 16)______ paid. 17)______ school 18)______ in the West earn nearly 19)______  less than the 20)______  21)______  job. 22)______ earn less than police 23)______, cleaners less than caretakers. 
Women are as a _ _i _ i_us as men. They earn the m_j_r_ty of _n_v_rs_t_ degrees. In A_ _ _ _ _ _  they now ask for p_o_o_io_ _ as often as men. But it’s the pr_c_         w_m_n pay for m_th_rh_ _d that holds them back. In B_ _ _ _ _ _ 70% of m_th_rs reduce their working h_ _ _ _ or switch to a less d_ _ a_ding job c_mp_r_d with 11 % of fathers. In Australia it’s 56% of mothers and 19% of fathers, while in F_ _ _ _e 55% of mothers scale back c_ m_ _ _ed with 13% of f_t_ _ _s. When an American woman goes back to work, her s_ _ _ ry is on a_ _ _ _ ge lower than it would have been if she hadn’t had a c_ _ld.
The race for g_ _ _er   eq_ _l_ty is far from over. As more c_i_ _r_n choose non-traditional c_r_ _rs and men do more ch_ldc_re, fewer w_ _ _ _ _ g women will be held back. 

IV Watch the video and answer the questions.
1 What reasons for unequal pay does the video give?
2 According to the video what types of jobs do women do?
3 What roles and jobs are taken by men in many western countries?
4 How does motherhood influence women’s careers? What statistics show about the relation between working mothers and fathers and their salaries?
5 What kind of changes does a working woman face after she has a child?
6 Are western women less ambitious than men? Why or why not?
7 Can western women ask for promotion or is it only a man’s right? Do women use this right (if they have it)?
8 Is there any chance that in future working women will have more gender equality? Why do you think so (what arguments in favour or against these changes does the video give)?

V OVER TO YOU. Answer the questions below:
1 In your country are there more men or women in the job you are studying for?
2 What is the average salary in the job you are studying for (or the job you would like to take in future)? Do you think women earn the same salary as men in this job?
3 What jobs do women tend to choose in your country? Has the situation changed in recent years? What is the average salary in the jobs women tend to choose?
4 Do women in your country take a maternity leave? Can a man do the same?
5 How does motherhood influence women’s careers in your country (find statistics or official figures to prove your point)?

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