
Monday, 2 April 2018

Why eating chocolate is good for you

Why Eating Chocolate Is Good for You

I Study the active vocabulary and focus on Ukrainian equivalents of English words.

doubt  сумнів
deliciousness –  смачність
benefit –  користь
implicate –  вплутувати
litany of  довгий перелік
acne –  вугри
obesity  ожиріння
 poison  отруїти
slew –  велика кількість
pack –  переповнювати
flavonoid  флавоноїд
get rid of –  позбавлятися
free radical –  вільний радикал
cell membrane –  клітинна мембрана
ward off   відвернути
cardiovascular disease  серцево-судинне захворювання
degrade  руйнувати
heat –  нагрівати
process  обробляти
remove –  видаляти
bitter –  гіркий
theobromine –  теобромін
prominent  помітний
сentral nervous system  центральна нервова система
dilate  розширювати
 blood vessel  кровоносна судина
blood pressure  кров’яний тиск
cholesterol –  холестерин
plaque  бляшка
artery wall –  стінка артерії
alleviate  полегшувати
relax   розслаблювати
lung  легеня
suppress  придушувати
cough  кашель
decay  руйнування
enamel  емаль
erosion  ерозія
acid  кислота
poisoning –  отруєння
lethal  смертельний
nausea  нудота
 trembling  тремтіння
headache –  головний біль
acute  гострий
metabolize  перетворювати
demolish –  знищувати
junk food –  нездорова їжа
heart attack  серцевий напад
occasional  що трапляється час від часу

II Vocabulary focus. Study the words and  word combinations, check your understanding using flashcards, practise their translationspelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play matching vocabulary game (match words to their translations to make cards disappear)  and save the planet from asteroids by typing in correct translation of the words.

  III Watch the video and fill in the gaps with the words from the list. There are some words you don’t need to use.

fits; deliciousness; removed; effective; beans; cardiovascular; obesity; complexity; get rid of; qualities; causing; degrade; delicacy; raw; amounts; benefits; dark; delicious; problems; packed; chemistry; preserve; bitter; antioxidants; healthy; doubt ; chocolate; scholars; fits; coke; studies; means; grow; bitterness; mounts; poison; reason; quantities

For lots of people there’s little 1)____________  about the 2)____________  of chocolate. But its health 3)____________  are less clear. Chocolate has been implicated in 4)____________  a litany of 5)____________  including acne and 6)____________  . In large enough 7)____________  it even has the potential to 8)____________  people. But in recent years a slew of 9)____________  have found that eating small 10)____________  of the right kind of 11)____________  can actually be 12)____________  . Why?
The short answer lies in the 13)____________  of chocolate. First for cocoa 14)____________  are 15)____________  with flavonoids which are natural 16)____________  . One in particular, called epicatechin, seems especially 17)____________  at helping the body 18)____________  free radicals and may thus help 19)____________  cell membranes and ward off 20)____________  disease. But flavonoids 21)____________  quickly when heated or processed and are often 22)____________  from commercial chocolate because they taste 23)____________  . So only 24)____________  cocoa and to a lesser extent 25)____________  chocolate offer these benefits.

IV Watch the video and fill in the gaps in the text.

Second 1)____________  contains a stimulant called theobromine which has some positive 2)____________  effects. Theobromine has a very 3)____________  molecular structure to 4)____________  , but while caffeine’s effects are more prominent in the 5)_____   _____   _____  , one of the theobromine’s 6)____________  effects is on the heart. By increasing the 7)____________  and dilating blood vessels it can lower 8)_____   _______  . It may also 9)____________  good rather than bad cholesterol and stop 10)____________  building up on 11)______   ______  . Theobromine can even help 12)____________  symptoms of asthma because it helps 13)____________  the body’s smooth muscle such as that found in the 14)____________  . Some 15)____________  suggest it’s better at suppressing 16)____________  than codeine. Last, and perhaps most surprisingly of all, chocolate may fight 17)____________  decay more 18)____________  than fluoride. Theobromine appears to help with repairing 19)____________  and protecting teeth from further 20)____________  by acids. For all these 21)____________  there is a 22)____________  side to chocolate. In rare cases eating too much chocolate can lead to theobromine 23)____________  , which can be lethal but more often causes 24)____________  , trembling or 25)____________  . The danger is even more 26)____________  for animals. Small dogs, for example, can die from eating as little as a 27)____________  grams of 28)____________  chocolate. This is because their bodies can’t 29)____________  theobromine quickly 30)____________  . Last year four 31)____________  were found dead New Hampshire after demolishing 90 pounds of chocolate and 32)_____   _______  . All four died of 33)_____   _______  .
34)____________  this for most people the occasional 35)____________  of chocolate remains a safe and even healthy 36)____________  .

V Watch all the parts of the video and answer the questions.
1) What health problems are associated with chocolate?
2) What benefits for human health does chocolate have?
3) What chemical components make chocolate healthy? Can these components be found in all types of chocolate? Why or why not?
4) What diseases and health conditions can chocolate help cure, alleviate or wade off?
5) How can chocolate influence dental health?
6) Is chocolate always healthy? What are the risks of using chocolate?
7) What are the dangers of allowing animals to eat chocolate? What examples are given in the video?

VI OVER TO YOU. What is your favourite product or type of food? What benefits for health does it have?

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