Are All
Endangered Species Worth Saving?
Study the active vocabulary and focus on Ukrainian equivalents of English
loss втрата
habitat середовище існування
dioxide вуглекислий
growth розвиток
backwards назад
біологічне різноманіття
reflect обмірковувати
fail зазнавати невдачі
breed розводити
scoff зжерти
дуже смачний
dreadful страшний
gas парниковий
emission викид
reduce зменшувати
rate темп
parrot папуга
predator хижак
mammal ссавець
harsh суворий
species вид
II Vocabulary focus. Study the words and word combinations, check flashcards, practise translation, spelling. Take a test. Play matching
vocabulary game (match words to their translations to make
cards disappear) and save the planet from asteroids by typing in correct translation of the words.
ІІІ Watch the video and fill in the gaps in
the text.
bears, should we 1)______ them? Well, that’s a really difficult 2)______.
Change is
not equivalent to loss. In many conservation philosophies you see people trying
to 3)______ habitats to something that they used to be some 4)______ ago or
some thousands of 5)______ ago. In reality they can’t do it. It’s 6)______ to restore
any biological community, any 7)______, to exactly what it was a 8)______ hundred
years ago because too much has 9)______ since. The 10)______ has changed, the
carbon dioxide in the 11)______ has changed, which affects the growth of every 12)______
on the 13)______. So we can’t go backwards. We have to have a forwards 14)______
conservation about how we facilitate the 15)______ of biodiversity rather than
always reflecting backwards as to: “How can I stop 16)______? How can I go backwards?”
Because 17)______ that’s going to 18)______.
So saving the 19)______ bear is not about taking
some into 20)______ and breeding them. It’s not about releasing them into
Antarctica where there’s lots of 21)______ and lots of penguins they can scoff.
And that would be absolutely 22)______ but dreadful for 23)______. What we need
to do is to reduce the 24)______ gas emissions and reduce the rate at which the
25)______ is warming. And, in fact, reduce the final 26)______ in temperature
that takes place so that there is still enough 27)______ ice for them to
survive. Otherwise you’re going to be left with a kind of zoo 28)______ forever.
And ultimately that kind of becomes a pointless 29)______. So one of the 30)______
which one might wonder whether it is worth trying to 31)______ is something
like the flightless kakapo parrot in New 32)______. So this particular species
of 33)______ can only live in effectively predator free environment or that is to say environments that lack 34)______ living
The really harsh 35)______ is: “Is the saving the
kakapo going to affect the future of 36)______ of
birds and the long-term future of birds?” I would say no. So if the kakapo dies out, some
people are 37)______. It is a loss of 38)______ identity in New Zealand, but it’s
not going to change the future evolutionary trajectory of 39)______ on the earth
because that is the future of birds is in those species that can 40)______ and
can survive in the presence of 41)______. When we find that we’ve got an endangered
421)______, I think it’s important that we don’t throw good 43)______ after bad
and keep, as I say, treating the symptoms rather than the cause of the problem.
And if the cause of the decline of a species cannot be 44)______, then you get
to some hard 45)______.
Watch the video and answer the questions.
What is the main idea of conservation philosophies? What problems do people
face when they try to restore natural habitats?
What factors have affected the changes in natural habitats?
What ways of saving polar bears does the speaker discuss? Are these ways
effective in his opinion?
What are the special or unique features of the flightless kakapo parrot in New Zealand?
Does the speaker think that flightless parrots are necessary for the survival
of birds on our planet?
Does the speaker think that flightless parrots should be saved?
Study the table below.
Find and underline the examples of the usage of modal verb should in task III.
Additional information
1) obligation with shades of advisability/
Less categorical than must
In affirmative sentences
Generally refers an action to the future (Simple
To refer to the present should + Continuous
Infinitive is used
You should do it.
You should be doing it.
Think of at least 4 ways to save polar bears and the flightless parrots. Use modal verb should in your sentences.
For example: People should create national parks where the endangered species
would live and breed in their natural habits.
Do you agree with the speaker who said that not all endangered species are
worth saving?
What species are endangered today in the world? What species are endangered in your country?
What measures are taken to protect these species (choose one to describe in
greater detail in the classroom)?
d) Do you think these
measures are effective? If not, what should be done instead? Imagine how life
would be different if the endangered
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