
Sunday 10 June 2018

How Starbucks Found Its Mythical Mermaid

How Starbucks Found Its Mythical Mermaid

I Study the active vocabulary and focus on Ukrainian equivalents of English words.

logo логотип
name after називати на честь
first mate перший помічник
troll вишукувати
maritime морський
woodcut гравюра на дереві
siren сирена
lure заманювати
sailor матрос
mermaid русалка
grab хапати
chest грудна клітка
bare оголений
complaint скарга
freshness свіжість
growth зростання
human характерний для людини
value вартість
billion мільярд

II Vocabulary focus. Study the words and  word combinations, check your understanding using flashcards, practise their translationspelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play matching vocabulary game (match words to their translations to make cards disappear)  and save the planet from asteroids by typing in correct translation of the words.

III Watch the video and fill in the gaps in the text.

The design of this 1)_____ began in Seattle in 1971 with three 2)_____ friends who really liked 3)_____. They also really liked the Herman Melville 4)_____ Moby-Dick, so much so they decided to name their 5)_____ after Captain Ahab’s 6)_____. But branding executive Terry Heckler decided ‘Pequod coffee’ didn’t 7)_____ quite right. So they went with the 8)_____ of the first mate, Starbuck. Heckler then trolled through maritime books and found a 15th century woodcut of a two-tailed 9)_____. Instead of luring 10)_____ onto the rocks this mythical 11)_____ would call people to come and grab a 12)_____ of coffee. Initially her chest was bare, but after some 13)_____ Heckler redrew the design with long 14)_____ that covered her body. The logo also went from 15)_____ to green, a symbol of 16)_____ and growth. In 2011 the Starbuck siren was redesigned with rounder 17)_____. A longer shadow was also 18)_____ on the right side of her nose, a small 19)_____ of asymmetry which made her feel more human. She can be spotted in 76     20)_____ and markets helping Starbucks to reach a brand value of more than 8.7 billion 21)_____. Bold and alluring this is the 22)_____ that started with a myth and became a 23)_____ legend.

IV Watch all parts of the video and answer the questions.
1 When was Starbucks logo designed?
2 What was the first name for Starbucks coffee? Why did they change it?
3 What is Starbucks coffee named after?
4 Where did Starbucks brand executive find the logo for the coffee brand? Was it a modern work of art?
5 Why were the symbol of siren and the myths of mermaid important for the coffee brand?
6 What colour was the original logo?
7 What colour is Starbucks logo now? What does this colour symbolise?
8 How was the original mermaid design changed?
9 Why did designers make changes to the logo?
10 What is the brand value of Starbucks today?

Learn more facts about Starbucks logo and its history. Restore the word order in the sentences and copy them into your exercise books.  
1) friends / Seattle / March 30,/ created / 1971. / Jerry Baldwin, / in / Gordon Bowker / Starbucks / on / and / Zev Siegl, / Three

2) / Pequod / novel / company / / a / / the / ship / “Moby/ Dick”.  / after / named / They / the / in

3) strange / very / so / to / name / name / changed / the / the / Starbuck. / the / But / friends / was

4) was / / “twin-tailed / original / Starbucks / a / of / or / siren. / The / / mermaid” / image / logo / the

5) Greek / to / lured / In / sailors / sirens / / shipwreck. / mythology

6) legends / In / near / called / the / Starbuck / sirens / / Island. / island / lived / the

7) in / / changed / the / the / past. / original / The / designers / Starbucks / logo

8) its / “Starbucks Tea, Coffee, and Spice”/ For / 1987 / company / changed / became / “Starbucks Coffee”. / name / original /  / / in / and / / / the / example,

9) Today / the / the / of / is / recognizable / most / logo / / one / globe. / the / across / icons

10) unique / shape / and / simple / use / smart / / colours. / reasons / of / its / the / One / of / is

11) logo / version / of / the / shows / circular / image / green / The / a / a / of / colour / white / in / shape / scheme. / is / and / siren / and / present

 VI OVER TO YOU. Work individually. Think of the answers to the questions.
1.    What are your favourite colours? Why?
2.    Are there any colours you don’t like? Why do you dislike them?
3.    What colours do you like for your clothes/your room/your classroom? Why?
4.    What colour describes your personality? Why?
5.     What colour describes your country? Why?
6.    What colour describes the following countries: Great Britain, France, China, Japan, USA, Germany, Italy, Iceland, Spain, Norway, Finland, Nigeria, India, France, Poland? Why?
7.    What colours do you associate with the adjectives below? Complete with adjectives you used for the colours you picked in questions 1 – 3.















VII. Work in pairs. Ask other students questions 1-4 and note down their answers.
Compare what answers are the same for both of you, what answers are different. Get ready to speak to the whole class about the interesting facts you found out about other students.

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