
Tuesday, 24 July 2018

History of Design: Gothic Revival

History of Design: Gothic Revival

I Study the active vocabulary and focus on Ukrainian equivalents of English words.
 medieval середньовічний
impress вражати
the Almighty Всемогутній
steam рухатись завдяки дії пари
full speed повна швидкість
ahead вперед
appreciate цінувати
admirer шанувальник
seek шукати
revive відродити
meaningful значущий
Church of England англіканська церква
lose track збитися з рахунку
champion відстоювати
pitched нахилений
roof дах
spire шпиль
pinnacle загострена вежа
pointed загострений
arch арка
adore обожнювати
cluster група
quatrefoil чотирилисник
odd дивний
wealthy заможній
buy into купитися на
grandiose грандіозний
country mansion заміський особняк
carnal pleasure тілесне задоволення
eyeliner олівець для очей

 II   Vocabulary focus. Study the words and  word combinations, check your understanding using flashcards, practise their translationspelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play matching vocabulary game (match words to their translations to make cards disappear)  and save the planet from asteroids by typing in correct translation of the words.

III Watch the video and fill in the gaps with the words from the list. There are some words you don’t need to use.

Evil; society; wealthy; traditional; teenagers; cracking; marches; newspapers; dining room; mansion; steady; adored; patterns; benches; medieval; his; mission; pinnacles; cathedral; meaningful; Revolution; influencing; kitchen; odd dead animal; rabbit hole; quatrefoils; drawing room; nation; lost track;  bored; churches; ahead; roofs; millionaire; eyeliner; impress; crosses; buildings; ready; popularity; revive; arches; championed; government; appreciated

In 1)______ times, great 2)______ were created to 3)______ the Almighty.  By the 1800s, the Industrial 4)______ was steaming full speed 5)______.  But not everybody 6)______ what was happening.  Admirers of the older, 7)______ Gothic style sought to 8)______ it.  They believed 9)______ needed more 10)______ buildings.  
The Church of England was growing and the 11)______ needed more 12)______.  Sir George Gilbert Scott built so many Gothic Revival churches, he 13)______  ______of the ones that were 14)______.  Gothic Revivalists 15)______ high, pitched 16)______, tall spires, 17)______ and pointed 18)______.  They 19)______ cluster columns and 20)______, repeating 21)______ and holy 22)______.  They even appreciated the 23)______  _____ ______.  The 24)______ bought into Gothic in a big way.  William Beckford, an eccentric 25)______, built Font Hill House.  This grandiose country 26)______ had a tower as high as a 27)______, which Beckford used as a 28)______  _____.  
Gothic Revival grew in 29)______, eventually 30)______ every level of society, from what people wore, to the 31)______ they read...and the garden 32)______ they sat on.  Without Gothic Revival, Lewis Carroll might never have taken us down the 33)______ ____, the British 34)______ would be homeless and 35)______ would probably never have learned the carnal pleasures of applying too much 36)______.  Are you 37)______ to get your Goth on?

IV Watch the video and read the text above. Answer the questions.
1 When did Gothic Revival take place?
2 Why is this period in the history of design called Gothic Revival?
3 What types of buildings (schools, houses, prisons, etc.) were created during this period?
4 What elements of Gothic style are mentioned in the video?
5 How did wealthy people take part in Gothic Revival?
6 What spheres of life did  Gothic Revival influence?
7 What famous work of literature and buildings were created thanks to Gothic Revival?
8 Where can we see the influence of Gothic Revival today?

V OVER TO YOU. Find an example of a building created during the Gothic Revival. Point out and name the characteristic elements of the style in architecture. Discuss your findings with other students.

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