
Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Graphic Design History. VICTORIAN ADVERTISING 1830-1900

Graphic Design History


I Look at the images below. What kind of artwork are they (if any): paintings, sculptures, etc.? What do you see in these images? What time period do they belong to?

II Study the active vocabulary and focus on Ukrainian equivalents of English words.

foundations основи
decade десятиліття
archive архів
care турбуватися
vocabulary запас
store зберігати
smart витончений
varied різноманітний
toolbox набір інструментів
Darwinian пов'язаний з еволюцією
over time з часом
reflect відбивати
solid грунтовний
highlight основний момент
inspirational натхненний
appreciation оцінка
spark розпалювати
curiosity цікавість
driving force рушійна сила
upside down догори ногами
agricultural сільськогосподарський
Industrial Revolution промислова революція
custom sewn зшитий на замовлення
handmade ручної роботи
tea pot чайник
mass manufacturing масове виробництво
exact duplicate точний дублікат
available доступний
huge величезний
quantity кількість
 competition   конкуренція
manufacturer виробник
 genesis  походження
compete конкурувати
placard афіша
ad реклама
convince переконувати
fine витончений
printing друк
 restraint стриманість
conduct поведінка
elaborate детально розроблений
ornamentation орнамент
reinforce підкріплювати
strength сила
nostalgia ностальгія
goodness доброчесність
sentimental сентиментальний
ornate пишно оздоблений
refined вишуканий
upper-class який належить до вищого класу суспільства
value цінність
air  атмосфера
poverty бідність
disease хвороба
old-fashioned старомодний
naïve наївний
embrace приймати
in the midst посеред
rapid швидкий
affect впливати
digital цифровий

IV Watch the video and fill in the gaps with the words from the list. There are some words you don’t need to use.

reflects; designers; foundation; influence; typography; design; smarter; on time; history; appreciation; past; curiosity; created; tools; visual vocabulary; examples; come; collection; history; interested; archives; graphic; over time; varied; images; memory; calligraphy; designer; dare; period; designing; welcome; questions; care

I’m Sean Adams and I’d like to 1)_______ you to the Foundations of Graphic Design History. I’ve been studying and teaching 2)_______ design history for three decades and I’ve helped build and manage the largest 3)_______ of graphic design history in the world, the AIGA historical 4)_______.
One of the first 5)_______ you might ask is: “Why should I 6)_______ about graphic design history? It’s the 7)_______”. And I would answer that one of the best 8)_______ to be a great 9)_______ is to have a wide 10)____   ___. And 11)_______ gives us that. Having a visual library of 12)_______ stored in your 13)_______ gives you a 14)_______ and more 15)_______ toolbox. The other point is that 16)_______ is not Darwinian that is it doesn’t get better 17)____  ___. Design simply 18)_______ the culture and the 19)_______ of time in which it was 20)_______. This course is created to provide a solid 21)_______ of the highlights in our graphic design history. I’m not interested in talking about 22)_______ like your third grade history teacher. I’m more 23)_______ in why something looks the way it does and what was happening to 24)_______ that whether it’s a unique way of using contrast or an unexpected approach with 25)_______. The 26)_______ we’ll explore will always be inspirational. I’m sure you’ll finish with more 27)_______ for some of the great 28)_______ in the past and it will hopefully spark your 29)_______ to dig deeper. Welcome to the Foundations of Graphic Design History.

V Watch the video again and answer the questions.

1 What does the course focus on? Why is this knowledge important for modern designers?
2 How does design change over time? Does it evolve in a Darwinian sense of the word?
3 What does design usually reflect?
4 What is the focus of design history and how is it different from history classes at school?
5 What images are used in the video? Note own the names of the artists and the titles of the works. What periods in design history do these works belong to? What works do you know or have you seen before?

VI Watch the video and choose the correct option to complete the sentences.


Just like today technological/technical/technology change was a drawing/diving/driving force in the mid to late 19th century. And like today/yesterday/the other day people’s lives were turned inside up/upside down/upside out as new inventions/interventions/inventors changed the way they lived and corked/worked/locked. It’s this rise of a society/social/societies that was more industrial-based than agricultural-based that driver/drove/dove much of the way Victorian design/designer/decision looked. Imagine life before the Industrial Revolt/Revolution/Revolve. Most people made their own clothes/cloth/clothed or they were custom sewn for them, almost every iris/item/stem in their house was making/handmade/handed. Their tea pots were never identical/identity/identify to the next door. As new matching/regiments/machines and mass manufacturing/manufactured/fractured began to make exact duplicates/implicated/implication of items that were suddenly available in huge quality/quarrel/quantities, this all changed. Now people were able to choice/choose/lose between different teapots, and their shirts/skirt/shortage were available in different coloured/colourful/colours. This mass production created competition/petition/compete. So now the fractions/facts/manufacturers were thinking: “I need people tried/buy/tie my teapot rather than the teapots from a company/campaign/companion down the street. But how can I make that happy/happen/happening?” This is the genetics/genesis/genes of modern advertising/fantasizing/advising and design. In order to compete/complete/conditions manufacturers turned to plaster/posters/roosters, placards, and ads to contain/convict/convince consumers to use their products. What could once be a simple note/notions/nothing on a wall now needed to be notion/noticed/enticed. At the same time new machines were invented/intervened/intertwined that could handle finer printer/painter/printing. So suddenly there were greater/aggregate/aggravated possibilities for creator/creativity/nativity in advertising. Victorian advertising reflexes/reflects/perplexes these changes and the blues/values/valuable of that period such as a clear class/gas/mass structure, sexual restraint, and a strongly/tree/strict code of conduct/predict/abduct. Britain was at the height of its Pier/Empire/Emperor with colonies around the robe/probe/globe. Elaborate ornamentation and texting/mixing/fixing of styles from other cultures/vultures/future reinforced the British Empire’s colonial strong/strengths/wrath. These forms were paired with images/imagine/imagination that reflected idealized nationalize/nostalgia/nostalgic and moral goddess/goodness/finesse. This Coca-Cola pad/ad/fads is a great example of a sensitive/sentimental/sensual image representing the goodness of a Victorian wonders/woman/women. And the ornate calligraphic/typography/types representing the refined and upper-class values of Coca-Cola. The advertising had an air of optimize/optimism/pessimist. New machines and industrialize/industries/industrial were transforming/transformed/deformed the world and making wondering/wandered/wonderful products. It was a time of passively/massive/massively technological innovation/inventor/inventions. Science and industry were going to probe/solve/salvation all the problems/stems/problematic of poverty, hungry/hunger/hunky, and disease. We may look at the Victorians and think they’re old days/old-fashioned/in style and naïve, but the design phrases/embraces/grazes the new ideas of the time. They were in the midst of trepidation/rapid/rapidly change which affected the ways they lived/left/leaves and worked. There are some barrel/parallels/alleys to today, as it can seem that new digital/digitally/digitize technologies appear before we’ve even learned how to use the last ones.

VII Watch the video again and answer the questions.

1 What is the name of the period? What are the time limits of the period?
2 What events changed the lives of people in the 19th century?
3 What kind of products could people get before mass production?
4How did it change with the development of industry?
5 What did manufacturers do to find new clients? How did it influence the development of graphic design?
6 What are the characteristics of Victorian advertisement? What values does it reflect?
7 What does the example of Coca-Cola ad illustrate? What does it show and what is the meaning of the image?
8 Did people in the 19th century welcome change and believe that science and technology van make their lives better? Why or why not?
9 How did changes in printing techniques influence the history of graphic design?
10 In what way is the life of 19th century people similar to modern life and development of technology?


 A) Find an ad from the time period described in the video (advertisement should be in English). Get ready to describe what the ad shows and what values or traditions of the 19th century it reflects. Show your ad to other students and discuss what you see and what images mean.
B)  Think of a product that did not exist in the 19th century (e.g. a digital camera). Create a Victorian style poster ad for this product (you can draw, paint, use Photoshop, etc.). Share your poster with other students. Comment on the characteristic features of a Victorian advertisement that other students included in their poster.

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