Study the active vocabulary and focus on Ukrainian equivalents of English
sense відчуття
fabric тканина
engage привертати
sense of touch
відчуття дотику
що мається на увазі
hardness твердість
roughness шорсткість
canvas полотно
self-portrait автопортрет
varied різноманітний
skin шкіра
smoothness гладкість
oil paint
олійна фарба
countless незліченний
smudged розмазаний
expressive виразний
incorporate включити
relevant доречний
II Vocabulary
focus. Study the words and word combinations, check your understanding
using flashcards, practise their translation, spelling. Check
your knowledge in the test. Play matching vocabulary game (match words to their
translations to make cards disappear) and save the planet from asteroids by typing in correct translation of the words.
Watch the video and fill in the gaps with the words from the list. There are
some words you don’t need to use.
Ceramists; canvas; cart;
creating; stimulate; surface; simulation; actual; run; book; space; smoothness;
textile; real; think; textures; feel; self-portrait; shape; artisan; see; touched;
viewers’; artists; art; elements; sculpture; hook; bronze; survive; varied; oil
We tend to think of 1)________
as something just to look at, but a lot of 2)________
make their work to 3)________ our
other senses. Sculptors, 4)________ and
fabric artists, 5)________ makers, 6)________, and artists working in many
other forms 7)________ a lot about
how to engage 8)________ sense of
Even when their art is not meant to be 9)________, artists put a lot of thought and work into 10)________ many different 11)________. Texture is one of the
seven 12)________ of art, along with
line, 13)________, colour, form,
value, and 14)________. Texture is
the look or feel of a 15)________. Just
like form, texture can be 16)________
or implied. If you were to 17)________
your hand across this 18)________ by
Alberto Giacometti, you would 19)________
the hardness of the 20)________ metal
and the roughness of the form that Giacometti created. This is called 21)________ texture. Implied textures
are only visual. They can’t be felt. For instance, if you could touch the 22)________ of this 23)________ by Chuck Close, you wouldn’t
feel the 24)________ textures of
skin and hair. You would feel the 25)________
of the 26)________ paint. So these
textures are implied because we can only 27)________
Watch the video and fill in the gaps in the text.
There are countless 1)________
that 2)________ create implied textures. How many 3)________ kinds of 4)________
do you notice in this 5)________ by Roy
de Forest? You have the 6)_____ ___ creating a woman’s hair on the 7)________, 8)________ creating her 9)________,
the blurred, smudged 10)________ coming
out of the dog’s 11)________ and the
man’s mouth in the 12)________. Those
are just to name a few kinds of 13)________
textures here.
14)________ can also be created through use of 15)________.
In this painting by Gustav Klimt, notice how he 16)________ shapes to create 17)________.
You have the 18)________ and lines on
the woman’s 19)________ on the left,
the many 20)________ creating the
tree in the center, and in the woman’s dress on the 21)________, you have circles within circles, rectangles within 22)________, and all the scattered
shapes throughout the piece 23)________
many different textures. 24)________
and other typically two-dimensional art can have 25)________ texture. Sometimes 26)________
layer paint on the canvas so thick that it becomes 27)________. At that point, the paint is a sculptural 28)________ that can be manipulated and
shaped. Some artists build up fabrics, 29)________,
jewellery, and many other objects on the canvas to create 30)________ textures. Artists often feature the 31)________ textures of the materials
they use or textures 32)________ created
and formed by hand.
Whatever the approach, textures are an expressive 33)________ artists use to reinforce their overall 34)________. The next time you’re
making a 35)________, drawing, collage,
or 36)________, find a way to
incorporate textures that say something relevant and 37)________ to you.
V Watch all the parts of the video and
answer the questions.
1 What is texture in art?
2 What types of texture can we find in
3 What is implied texture? Can you give
an example of implied texture use in art?
4 What are the examples of real texture in
5 How can other elements of art be used
to create texture?
6 How can texture be used to make two-dimensional
artwork appear three-dimensional?
VI OVER TO YOU. Comment on the use of
texture in a n inspirational example of sculpture and painting. What types of
texture did the artist use? What effect did they create? Find and comment on an
example of artwork where other elements of art (like line, colour, etc.) are
used to create texture.
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