
Monday, 15 October 2018

It’s not you. Commuting is bad for your health

Commuting is Bad for your Health

I Study the active vocabulary and focus on Ukrainian equivalents of English words.

commute   щоденно їздити на роботу, яка знаходиться дуже далеко від помешкання (наприклад, з передмістя до міста)
get up   вставати
move  переїхати
huge  величезний
fall  осінь (в американському варіанті англійської мови)
rip out   виривати
enough  достатньо
according відповідно до
census data  дані перепису
average  пересічний
on the rise  на підйомі
further and farther  далі і далі
gruelling  виснажливий
take a toll  позначатись
health здоров’я
hate  ненавидіти

II Vocabulary focus. Study the words and  word combinations, check your understanding using flashcards, practise their translationspelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play matching vocabulary game (match words to their translations to make cards disappear)  and save the planet from asteroids by typing in correct translation of the words.
III Watch the video and fill in the gaps with the words from the list. There are some words you don’t need to use.

work; person; place; driverless; car; business; personally; health; up; parked; American; parking; station; buses; hours; move; train; day; train station; morning; decades; hate; trees

This is my 1)_______ commute. I get 2)_______, get ready, get in a 3)_______, drive to the train 4)_______, look for parking, get on a train for an hour and a half, arrive at Penn Station, get another 5)_______, walk five minutes, and start my 6)_______ day. Is this killing me?
Before you go and post that comment telling me to 7)_______ closer, you need to see that I’m not the only 8)_______ doing this. This is the 9)_______  ______ I commute from. This 10)_______ is huge and yet it’s full almost every single 11)_______. Just this past fall they had to rip out an entire section of 12)_______ to make more space for 13)_______ and it’s still not always enough.
According to US census data the average 14)_______ commute is nearly 30 minutes one way, a number that’s been on the rise for the last few 15)_______. In general, people are choosing to commute further and farther than ever before. And those long gruelling 16)_______ in cars, on trains, or 17)_______ can take a toll on a person’s 18)_______. Especially when we all 19)_______ it so very, very, much.

IV Watch the part of the video and answer the questions.
1 What means of transport does the speaker take during her commute (for example, tram, bicycle, car)?
2 Is the speaker only person commuting? How do we know there are (or there are not) many people commuting with her?
3 How much time does and average American spend commuting every day?
4 How is this number of commuters changing? 
5 On what can commuting take its toll?
6 Do many people love commuting?

V Watch the video and fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions.
on; in; up; for; for; to; on; in; to; on; at; on; in

1.    I get ______.
2.    I get ______a car.
3.    I drive ______the train station.
4.    I look ______parking.
5.    I get ______a train.
6.    I arrive ______Penn Station.
7.    According ______US census data the average American commute is nearly 30 minutes one way.
8.    A number that’s been ______the rise ______the last few decades.
9.    ______general, people are choosing to commute further and farther than ever before.
10.Those long hours ______cars, ______trains, or buses can take a toll ______a person’s health.

VI Watch the video and listen to the short story about the speaker’s commute. Put the speaker’s actions in the order she mentions or shows them (1-11). There are two action she does not speak about but shows in her video. What are those actions?
 For example: 1 b
a)    arrive at Penn Station
b)    get up
c)    get another train
d)    get on the train for an hour and a half
e)    look for parking
f)     make coffee or have breakfast
g)    get ready
h)    start her work
i)      drive to the train station
j)     walk five minutes
k)    have a shower

VII Watch the video, look at your notes from Task VI and write a short story (10 sentences) about the speaker’s commute. Note down the time when she wakes up, goes to the station, etc. Use the phrases and the model below.
Phrases:  first, next, then, later, not long after that, right after that, after that, finally

For example: The speaker gets up at 6.15 am.
Then, at _______ the she _____. After that, at _______, the woman _____. ..

VIII Study the active vocabulary and focus on Ukrainian equivalents of English words.

article стаття
study дослідження
linked to   пов'язаний з
higher rate більш високий рівень
obesity ожиріння
anxiety тривога
higher blood pressure  більш високий артеріальний тиск
divorce розлучення
neck   шия
back спина
lifespan тривалість життя
get the point зрозуміти суть
come down to зводити до
bike їхати на велосипеді
hop on стрибати у (автобус або потяг)
life satisfaction задоволення від життя
comparable порівнянний
instead of замість
 public transportation громадський транспорт
obese ожирілий
add додати
inactive lifestyle неактивний спосіб життя
exercise (фізичні) вправи

IX  Vocabulary focus. Study the words and  word combinations, check your understanding using flashcards, practise their translationspelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play matching vocabulary game (match words to their translations to make cards disappear)  and save the planet from asteroids by typing in correct translation of the words.

X Watch the video again and choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

If you commute/compute/disputes or you’ve been on the enter/internet/in the internet at all, you’ve seen the parted/articles/particles and maybe you’ve read the studies. Commuting has been linked/inked/sink to higher rates of city/over the city/obesity, stress, anxiety, depression/aggressive/depreciation, higher blood pressure, higher rates of forced/fort/divorce, neck and back/lack/crack problems, shorter lifespans, and you get the point. Commuting long distances/distanced/stance just isn’t good for you. But a lot of it comes down to how/owl/bow you do it. For example a Canadian study/student/studying of commuters in Montreal found that people who walk/chalk/bulk, bike, or hop on a grain/train/terrain had a higher life fiction/protection/satisfaction than those with comparable commute times/chides/chums on other types of transit.
 In another study, Britain/British/Britons researchers found that people who drive/dive/die to work instead of using publicity/rubric/public transportation are more likely to be obese. Sitting in a car/far/card all day really adds the negative effects of an inactive lifeless/lifestyle/stylish. You’re sitting for our/hours/hourly on end and when all is said and done it’s really hard to find the time or the motivation/motivated/motivating to exercise. 

XI Watch the part of the video and answer the questions.
1 What health problems and illnesses are linked to commuting?
2 Is commuting long distance good for people?
3 What psychological problems and relationship issues (problems) are linked to commuting?
4 What means of transport can people in Canada choose to be a little happier when they commute?
5 In what country did the study link obesity to commuting?
6 Why do people who drive to work feel less happy than other commuters?

XII Study the active vocabulary and focus on Ukrainian equivalents of English words.

in particular зокрема
miserable нещасний
thought думка
frustrating який розчаровує
disaster катастрофа
mental and physical health психічне та фізичне здоров'я
according to згідно з
slightly трохи
satisfied задоволений
experience досвід
overall в цілому
resent обурюватися
timetable графік руху транспорту
on the dot вчасно
catch   встигати
delay затримка
cancellation скасування
solid foundation   міцний фундамент
annoying який дратує
mortality смертність

 XIII Vocabulary focus. Study the words and  word combinations, check your understanding using flashcards, practise their translationspelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play matching vocabulary game (match words to their translations to make cards disappear)  and save the planet from asteroids by typing in correct translation of the words.
XIV Watch the video and fill in the gaps with the missing letters.  

 And that’s not all. R _ s_ _ _ch has shown that driving alone in p _ r_ _ c_ l_r can make you more m_ se_ _ble. You’re alone with your t_o_g_ts for hours, often in frustrating s _t_ at_ons, so it’s not really surprising that this is the d_ s_ s_ _r for both your m_ _ _ _l and physical health. Yet according to a 2010 r_ p_rt, this is exactly how 80% of Americans c_ _mu_ _ to work every single day.
Now by comparison, those who take p _b_ _ c transportation are
sl _g_t_y healthier and slightly more s_ _ _ s_ _ _d with life. Yet we tend to be more n_g_t_v_ about our _x_ _ r_ _n_e overall. Public transit commuters often r_s_nt the timetables. If I don’t l_ave work at 6 o’clock on the dot, I won’t c_ _ _h the 6:21. If I don’t catch the 6:21 I have to get on the 6:53, and that’s the d_ _fer_ _ _e between me getting home at 8:00 p.m. and me getting home at 8:45. Throw in things like transfers, d_la_s, cancellations, and you have a really solid foundation for a very s_re_ _ fu_, very annoying commute. Basically none of this is looking g_ _d for my mortality. Then why do so many of us do it?

XV Watch the part of the video and answer the questions.
1 Why can driving make people more miserable?
2 How many Americans drove to work every day in 2010?
3 Are people who take public transport happier than drivers?
4 What do people who take public transport resent?
5 What public transport problems does the video discuss?

XVI Study the active vocabulary and focus on Ukrainian equivalents of English words.

viewed що  розглядається
source джерело
give people a break давати людям можливість перепочити
dead space глуха зона
catch up on надолужити
podcast подкаст
take advantage of   скористатися
get work done   завершити роботу
communications засоби комунікації
extension подовження
workday робочий день
opportunity можливість
otherwise інакше
to go from point A to point B дістатись з пункту А до пункту Б
gig economy економіка вільного заробітку (в якій більшість працівників мають лише контракти на короткий термін)
accessible доступний
 workplace – робоче місце
lifetime job робота на все життя
certainly звичайно
exhausting виснажливий
make the most of максимально використати
at the end of it all врешті-решт

XVII Vocabulary focus. Study the words and  word combinations, check your understanding using flashcards, practise their translationspelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play matching vocabulary game (match words to their translations to make cards disappear)  and save the planetfrom asteroids by typing in correct translation of the words.
XVIII Watch the video and fill in the gaps with the missing words.  

Commuting has been viewed as a source of 1)________, but in fact it gives people a 2)________. It’s sometimes the only 3)________of the day that individuals have 4)________, to be by themselves to think, to listen to 5)________.
Meaning my 6)________isn’t technically dead space in my 7)________. I catch up on reading, I 8)________to podcasts, I take advantage of the alone time, but I can also get 9)________done when I need to.
 The change in 10)________has made commuting an extension of the 11)________or an opportunity for the individual to do things they couldn’t otherwise do. It’s not just a way to go from 12)________A to point B. In other cases, where people live in the gig economy, having a 13)________that is accessible to transportation is far more important than having a home which is next to your 14)________. If you’re not gonna have a 15)________job let’s have a lifetime home.
So is my commute actually 16)________me? Well it’s certainly not the best way to spend so much of my 17)________and it is 18)________, but you can make the most of it. And there’s something to be said about coming 19)________at the end of it all.

XIX Watch the part of the video and answer the questions.
1What does the speaker do during the time of her commute?
2 Why is commuting an extension of the workday? What can people do?
3 Why for some people having a home near their workplace is no longer important? What do they want to have for a lifetime: their job or their home?
4 Does the speaker think that commuting to and from work is the best way to spend her time?
5 What is good about the end of the speaker’s commute?

XX Match the words from two columns to make collocations used in the text. Use four collocations in your sentences.
a source
on reading
a break
give people
in communications
 to listen
of the alone time
 catch up
to do things
 take advantage
work done
to transportation
an extension
to music
an opportunity
of it
a way to go
in other
of stress
from point A to point B
have a lifetime
of the workday
make the most
to podcasts

XXI OVER TO YOU. Write a short story about you commute to work (10 sentences). If you don’t commute write a story about one of your colleagues. Use the words and expressions you heard in the video. Give your answers to the question: “Is commuting bad for people?”

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