
Tuesday 5 May 2020

Personal Narratives in Historical Context

Personal Narratives in Historical Context 

I Lead-in. Discuss the questions in pairs (3 minutes). Share your ideas with the class
1.    If you wanted to learn more about a specific period of time or event in human history what sources (e.g. books, maps, etc.) or media (e.g. newspapers, TV) would you use?
2.    If you wanted to know not only facts, but feelings of the people who lived at that time, what sources or media could help you?
II Historical context. Look at the photos below and answer the questions:
a)    What time period do the photos show?
b)    What can you see in the photos? What are the people doing? How do the people in the photos feel?
c)     How do the photos make you feel?

III Vocabulary focus.

an act of killing  a lot of people 
a bomb
a path  through a countryside, mountain, or forest area 
burst in
a situation when people don’t have the basic things for comfortable life
dried yellow stems of wheat 
to accept an unpleasant situation
a short sudden attack 
a member of people whose traditional religion is Judaism 
extremely bright making it difficult to see
a large building on a farm  for animals or hay (dried grass) 
very shocked or frightened
to die
a member of a Nazi militia
pass away
a feeling that something bad is likely to happen
put up with 
a member of the National  Socialist Party, led  by Adolf Hitler
to enter a room or building suddenly and without warning

IV Watch the video part 1: Childhood and choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.

1.    Shelly was born in the city of _________.
           A Kyiv                    B  Miatyn                   C Rovno
2.    Shelly’s father was a ________ and her mother had a grocery store.
          A businessman              B    teacher                  C doctor
3.    Shelly’s grandfather ________ her:  she could do whatever she wanted: kick the dishes and dance on the table.
           A was very strict with          B  punished              C spoiled
4.    Raya lived in a village called ________ which was five or six kilometres from Rovno.
A Sosenki                          B Miatyn                     C Korets
5.    Raya had ________ friends.
 A  no               B a lot of                  C  very few

V Watch the video part 2: War comes to Rivne and put the sentences in the correct order.

A.   So they threw us out of the room, and they squeezed me in between a wall and a kitchen table.
B.   The Germans came into our town and immediately they started passing laws against – what Jews could and couldn’t do.
C.   The next thing I remember is that these men burst in, they locked the door and they wouldn’t let us leave that room and they proceeded to beat my uncle.
D.   My cousin Raya and I would play outside in the yard and we were told that if we saw the Nazis, they were called Brownshirts, coming down the street, to come in and tell the adults.
E.    All the men ran back to the hiding place, the women cleaned up but my uncle, Raya’s father, remained.
F.    The next thing that happened is that my mother got us to the village of Miatyn.
G.   The only person that survived was my father, he was taken to Russia in the army.
H.   This was after they had the massacre in Rovno and they killed 17500 Jews in three days and my entire family was killed in that massacre: my grandfather, my uncles, my aunts and my cousins.
I.      And one of the laws was that all the men had to report for relocation work duty.
J.     All the men would spend the day there hiding and then they’d come out for the midday meal.
K.   One day we were playing out there and we saw a jeep with four men, in the Brownshirt uniforms, stopping at our neighbors, we ran in and told the adults.
L.    My grandfather had a suspicion that this was not really where they were taking the men, so he created a hiding place for all the men.

VI Watch part of the video and mark the following statements as True or False.

1.    Raya wanted to go back to the city.
2.    Raya’s father gave his passport to his wife and went back to the city.  
3.    Raya never saw her father again.  
4.    Raya and her mother went through the woods to the village.  
5.    When Raya’s mother went to the city the next day she found all her family there.  
6.    All the people who lived in the village of Sosenki were killed.  
7.    All members of Raya’s family were killed, only she, Shelly and their mothers survived.

VII Watch of the video and fill in the gaps with the words from the list. There are some words you don’t need to use.

rants; scariest; blanket; woods; months; mice; space; unbelievably; collection; stories; straw; memories; lie; took turns; light; look out; hiding; play; grain; mornings; backdoor; hid; blinding; bunker; passed; walk around; rats; barn; fields; children; clothes; stand up; damp; goodbye; lice; alive

Natalia and Nikanor Polishuk made a 1) _____ place for us in their barn where they kept the 2) _____ and hay. I remember standing there and watching them put it on the space where they kept that and they filled that up until they left a small 3) _____ for the four of us to sit down, to 4) _____ down but we couldn’t really 5) _____ ___. We were at the back of the 6) _____ where they have some eaves that you can 7) ____   ___. That was the only 8) _____ that we had and the only air that we had. And as a little girl I would tell my mother: “Please, please, please let me go out and play with the chicken and uh the kitty cats. They can 9) ____  ____ there but I can’t.”
 The people that 10) _____ us, I was a little older than Shelly so I have more 11) _____, Natalia and her husband, this family, they had five 12) _____. They had one girl and four sons. The only thing I know about Natalia and Nikanor is that they 13) ____ ____ bringing us the food and, our biggest problem were the rats and the 14) _____ and the lice. So, we had a 15) _____. Once a month she took our 16) _____ and we wrapped in the blankets. And they were rough blankets. And she would put them in the oven to kill the 17) _____. The thing that I remember about the hiding in the barn was that Raya and I would 18) _____ with the straw. We would make animals out of the straw, we would make dolls, those were the only toys we had and our mothers would tell us 19) _____. That is how we 20) _____ the time away.
Altogether I think we were in the barn maybe twenty 21) _____. The 22) _____ night of my life was, when Nikanor came up and told our mothers that they were coming for us. They knew we were there and that we should come down. “Well”, - our mothers said: “Could we have a little time to say 23) _____ to each other?” And to this day, I don't know what possessed us, but Raya and I, I guess I was 5 and she was 6 at the time, started crying and begging our mothers not to go quietly. That we should run into the 24) _____, we knew that there was a 25) _____ to the barn and somehow our mothers agreed to do it and that is what we did.
From the woods, at daytime, we were hiding in the 26) _____. It was very hot. We had no food, no water, the sun was 27) _____ hot and this is where we sat for three days. All we could eat was the raw 28) _____ from the rye. And then Nikanor, he was calling on us. So, he actually didn't know where we are. But he was calling on us and we heard him and we came back to the house, to the 29) _____ actually. They built an underground bunker to hide their grain and mainly to hide their daughter that was a young girl and at that time they would take the young girls to Germany the bunker was a dark 30) _____ place all they had there was straw that we were lying on 31) _____ and mice were in thousands running around. We didn’t have almost any food, just a little bit to keep us 32) _____.

VIII Watch the video and put the sentences in the correct order.

A.   The war was not over; the Germans were bombing Rovno very frequently.
B.   Nikanor took us out of the home underground and put us on his wagon and covered us with straw and drove us to Rovno.
C.   We couldn’t see anything because we had been in the darkness for so long.
D.   The night after we left, a bomb fell on our house and destroyed it totally.
E.    It was a sunny day, there was snow on the ground, and it was blinding.
F.    Nikanor took our mothers to Rovno and we stayed I the village until our mothers would know if it was safe to take us back to Rovno.
G.   The bombing was so terrible that our mothers decided to take us out of Rovno and moved us to a smaller town.

IX Watch the video and match the dates to the events.

1945; 1974; 1949; 2013; late 1960s; 1957 or 58; May 1945

A.   The war was over =  ____________  
B.   Shelly came to the USA   = __________  
C.   Shelly her mother went to Poland, Raya and her mother stayed in a little town called Korets = ____________  
D.   Raya and her family moved to St. Petersburg = ____________  
E.    Shelly’s mother was in Tel Aviv, a man told her where Raya and her mother lived = ____________  
F.    Shelly went to St. Petersburg to meet Raya’s mother, Raya, her husband Anatoly and her son Genia = ____________  
G.   Raya and Shelly went to back to Miatyn and came to the barn where we were hidden = ____________  

X Watch of the video and fill in the gaps with the words from the list. There are some words you don’t need to use.

anything; expressive; caring; connected; person; exactly; punishment; bravery; situation; confiscated; deprivation; grandchildren; passed away

The people that hid us 1)________ _____ a long time ago,  but the hiding place was still there and it was the same way 2)________as we left it in 1945. The only 3)________that lived there was a daughter-in-law of the people that hid us, at the time that we were hiding she did not know 4)________about us. But her son, her 5)________and she they were very, very happy to see us.
I have often wondered how the Polischuk family had such strength and 6)________to do what they did. To hide us, four people, when they knew that the 7)________would be death for them and their children and all their property would be 8)________. I am not sure how I would react in the same 9)________. I don’t think that many of us know how we would react. But I do know that they were extremely brave and 10)________to do what they did, to put up with the fear, the 11)________and everything that was going on around them.

XI OVER TO YOU. Prepare a short (2 minutes) talk to answer the questions below:

A) What part of the story impressed you the most? Explain your choice by giving the details of the scene that you chose.
B) What is your opinion about personal stories in preserving the memory about the important events in history?  
C) How did the story you watched add to your knowledge about World War II?

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