
Saturday 5 September 2020

Remote Learning Tips. Student Perspective

 Remote Learning Tips

Student Perspective

I Lead-in.
1)    In what situation can students learn remotely or have online classes?  
2)    What do students need to study remotely?

II Vocabulary focus. Match the words to their definitions. Use three words in your sentences.
to adjust
trust and friendship among people
not to know how much time has passed
to make sure someone is safe
a unified group of people
a plan of events
clock that you set to make noise at a particular time
to lose track of time
to change something to make it more effective
an alarm   
something that directs one’s attention from something else
to impact              
territory and buildings of a university of college
to rehearse
planned for a certain time
difficult to understand
to check on someone
to have strong effect
to practice (a play, music) to show to public later
 III Look at the list below. Which of these things do students need when they learn remotely/study from home? Why do students need those things?
Planner; journal for notes/notebook; face mask; coffee; computer; notebook; water bottle; pencil case; headphones; pen; scanner; mirror

IV Watch the video and underline the names of 8 things that American students have on or close to their desk or workspace when they study online. Do you have the same things on your desk?

planner; journal for notes/notebook; face mask; coffee; computer; notebook; water bottle; pencil case; headphones; pen; scanner; mirror
  V Watch the video and fill in the gaps with the words from the list. There are some words you don’t need to use.

hair; breakfast; notes; water; jewelry; makeup; light; outside; adjust; online; noise; brushed; focused; coffee; bottle; confident; workspace; mirror; headphones; printed; planner
 - The first thing I like to do in the mornings, is I like to get ready so that way, I just feel more 1) _____ in myself and look more presentable on those Zoom meetings. So I've done my  2) _____, I'm dressed, ready to go, 3) _____my teeth, I have my 4) _____on, and my 5) _____on, and that way I'm ready to go!
- For me, my morning routine's really quite simple. I wake up, I will either, first, read my Bible, or I'll make 6) _____.
- So with school 7) _____from home, and making sure that your space is as comfortable as you need it in order to stay 9) _____and not only with your work, but also with your online lectures. My space, I'm near a window so that there's 10) _____coming in, so that whoever can see me, can see me on Zoom. I also have my bedside table, so that I can have 11) _____prepared also a place for me to write 12) _____so I always have my journal and then a pencil case. And so this helps me to just stay alert and stay focused, 'cause there's something for me to look at. I can look 13) _____. It wakens me up. And then also, you know, it provides good lighting for Zoom lectures.
- So, here I am! So as you can see here, got my computer. Zoom is open on my computer. I've got 14) _____, coffee, and then, my notebooks and 15) _____, things like that. Since I am outside, it is important that I use headphones so that it buffers out any outside  16) _____. But yeah, here it is, it's just kind of like a little garden table. I'm actually a huge fan of being outside.
- So I chose our craft room slash laundry room, so no one usually comes in here throughout the day. So I'll show you guys what my 17) _____looks like. So here's my workspace, I have my computer open, and then I have my 18) _____open with all my classes. I also have a notebook and pen open, just in case I need to take notes. Then I also have my water 19) _____so that I can stay hydrated throughout the class.

 VI Watch the video again and answer the questions.
1.    How does the first speaker get ready for online classes?  
2.    Why does the first speaker need nice clothes and jewelry for her Zoom classes?   
3.    Why is sitting near the window so important for the student?  
4.    Why does one of the students use headphones?  
5.    Why do the students have water bottles near their workspace?  

VII Watch the video and put in the correct order the strategies American students use to stay productive when they have classes online. Which of the strategies do you find useful and why? Which of the strategies do use in your online learning?

A.   I use lists to know when things are due, and when I need to actually work on them.
B.   I use notes on my computer.
C.   I set an alarm for all the things that I need to do because at home I lose track of time and get carried away.
D.   I organize my schedule to understand when things are due and when you need to get things done.
E.    Notes from my computer automatically go into my phone which is really helpful and useful.
F.    I hide my phone away because it distracts me when I need to focus on important tasks.

VIII Watch the video and match the changes in online learning and their effects.  Do you see the same changes in your remote learning context?

Theater students cannot  meet in person, and rehearse scenes.
Professors and faculty are responsive, it's easier 
to contact them about issues students have 
with homework, or clarification on problems.  
Students are not together on campus, they are all navigating the new situation.  
Students do Zoom scenes and they  rehearse with
 other scene partners, other students, through Zoom
 and they'll show the class through Zoom.
Students use programs like Zoom and Canvas, Outlook.
Students stay connected with classmates, community, 
and friends.  Students have a Zoom chat together.
Students are away from their classmates and community.
Students feel they all in this together. There is this
real sense of camaraderie. Students have their
 community still.

 IX Watch the video and put student’s ideas in the right order.

A.   Throughout all of this it’s super, super important that you check in on those you care about.
B.   Schedule a time where all of your friends can Zoom and just have a meal with each other, so that it feels like just having lunch at Gwinn (a cafĂ© on campus).
C.   With everything going on right now it may feel really, really hard to stay connected to everyone at school like professors, and faculty, and students.
D.   We're all trying to support each other during these times and it's really important that we feel as connected as ever.
E.    Email your professor just to, not only talk about the homework, but have a meeting about what's going and checking on them.
F.    And before we know it we'll be back on campus, so stay strong, stay connected with your friends, we're all in this together.
G.   And just because you are not on campus, doesn't mean that events won't still be happening, or applications can't still happen.
X OVER TO YOU. Share your ideas about remote learning. How to you get ready for online classes? How do you organize your workspace to study comfortably? What do you do to get organized? What tips can you share with other students? What helps you to complete all your tasks on time? Share your ideas with other learners.

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