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Showing posts with label advice. Show all posts

Sunday 10 May 2015

Time management: Work - Life Balance

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Hi, I’m Darryl Cross and I'm an executive and personal coach. One of the tools in my job, that I really do like is something called the bike of life. That’s because I would get a lot of requests from people who require (1)____ simply  because their life is out of whack. It is out of balance and work has probably taken over to the exclusion of family and/or  friends and people find themselves working long hours, perhaps into the evening. The father is not getting home to see the children, not to tuck them in




 bed at night or is going to leave early in the morning without seeing his  (2)____. The wife may be working too and finding that the kids aren’t getting enough time. And it might be just a couple in this (3)____ and they are not seeing each other appropriately, they’re liked ships passing in the night, as people would often say to me. It might be just a solitary person, single, who feels that all they’re doing is work, work, work, there is no fun and no recreation.
This is a fairly common scenario, particularly in this day and (4)____ where we have technology that’s pushing us and pushing us fast and there is a greater (5)_____ to do more things in less time. And so people in this sense tend to be time poor, but often they get life (6)____: we talk about life balance and we talk about work/ life balance.
The bike of life which is one of my job tools, I think is a really interesting tool  to closely examine because it’s says that the (7)____ of the bike and I have not represented this is a wheel so much as I just a  diagram. But the front wheel of the bicycle is about work and the rear wheel of the bicycle is about (8)___ life and they could be swapped, this could be front and this could be back there is no particular order in that. But what is important is to look at the spokes of the wheel they go to make up the work (9)_____.



And typically that might involve marketing, it might involve strategy, finance, human (10)_____, operations and you may be out to add more spokes into the wheel depending on your job (11)_____ or job function, but it is important to get those perspectives in a clear perspective. And what typically happens is we allocate a certain amount of time to particular  a spoke and we might find that various spokes take  different amount of time depending on what we doing and we need to actually sit down and look at the spokes on a work wheel and then (12)____ what we are actually doing, what (13)____ we are doing so what is the now and how we would really like it to be in the future. So what is the now or in terms of   spokes of the wheel and how would we like it to be as we go down the track. That requires some sitting down and some thinking and some planning. But it’s important to do because people, who complain that they have a work-life balance really out of (14)____, they are not driving the bus. And this is really a nice tool that allows you take more control and allows you to drive your own bus.
Likewise when we’re talking about the whole of the bike here, not only the work saying but personally as well, we need to understand the various facets of  a life  that make up who we are in the (15)____ of a living. So there is family, there’d be health/(16)_____, there is dollars and budgeting, and (17)____, there is the recreation/social, there is the growth/learning and courses that we might undertake, and there is the spiritual. These all  go to make up anyone you might want to add up yourself as like become important to you through particular aspects that are not covered here, you might want to (18)_____ them. And again we work out how much time we are spending on some of these areas whatever they might be, then basically we work (19)_____ where we are now and where we want to be in the future. And so give each of these perhaps a writing if you wanted to write them on one to ten: where one is ‘not doing that much at all’ and 10  is where ‘we’d really like to be doing them or doing them fairly effectively and they can save me a good (20)_____ of time.










So writing scale of one to ten, you could write each of these.  Health, well, where am I now? I’m at about one (21)_____ terms of the time I get to it. Where would I like to be? I’d like to be at about 8. Visiting family, well, I’m not a bad: a 9 or a 10. Where I’d like to be? Well, I’d like to at about 5. So it allows you to get a sense of how your life is both in terms of work and in terms of where you are (22)_____ and to have more control over that. 
And when you sit down and work out the aspects of life in one of the spokes on the wheel here and one of the spokes on the (23)____ here, you work where you are now and where you’d like to be you then have a sense of being more in control. Then once you have worked out  what you want to do more of and want you want to do less of the next trick is go to work out an action plan. And that probably looks like a one page plan today in action lies this particular (24)____.
If you want to do more of something or less of something else then put it down into one page plan, so that you do then have sense of control of your life. Life is not out of balance or out of (25)_____, because if it is out of whack and out of  balance then we are not happy people, we are anxious,  and we’re depressed, and were (26)______, and basically life ought not to be that way. So get back in control of your bus, get back in control of all the way you’re driving and where you want to go. And have a look at this time bike of life, because basically life is about getting it in perspective because that’s where we really (27)_____ to be.







1.  Vocabulary focus. Study the words and  word combinations, practise their translation, spelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play vocabulary game and set your own vocabulary game record

2. Translate words and word combinations from English into Ukrainian and use them in your own sentences.
Executive, to require, exclusion, to tuck in, appropriately, solitary, scenario, wheel, to swap, spoke, to allocate, various, to determine, facet, to undertake, scale, out of whack, anxious.

3. Complete the sentences.
1.     It is out of balance and work ...
2.     The bike of life 
3.     Then once you have worked out  what 
4.     This is a fairly common scenario …
5.     But what is important is …
6.     And what typically happens …
7.     That requires some sitting down …
8.     Likewise when we’re talking about …

4.  Say if the following statements are true according to the text.
1.     People who require coaching from Darryl cross feel that all they’re doing is work, work, and work.
2.     The problems described in the video concern only couples.
3.     The motorbike of life is one of Darryl’s job tools.
4.     The rear wheel of the bicycle is always about work and the front wheel is about personal life.
5.     The front and the rear wheels of the bicycle cannot be swapped, that is the front wheel cannot become rear.
6.     The wheels make up the work scenario.
7.     The spokes of the wheel correspond to the time people spend on different activities.
8.     The work scenario includes marketing, strategy, and human resources.
9.     We allocate a certain amount of time to a particular spoke and we might find that various spokes take different amount of time, depending on what we are doing.
10.  Work with the bike of life takes a lot of thinking and time.
11. People who complain that they have a work-life balance really out of control are in fact ‘driving their own bus’.
12. In the scale of one to ten, where we work out how much time we are spending on some of the facets, the one means ‘we’d really like to be doing them’ or ‘we are doing them fairly effectively, and they can save us a great deal of time’.
13. When we are talking about the whole bike, we need to understand the various facets of life that make up the work scenario.
14. All spokes on the wheel are equally important in person’s life.
15.  Scales allow people to see the areas of life they pay too much or too little attention to.

5. Comprehension questions.
2.     Why do people require help from Darryl Cross?
3.     What kind of problems and pressure do Darryl Cross’s clients experience?
4.     What do the front and the rear wheels of the bicycle represent?
5.     What might the work scenario involve?
6.     What are the facets of life that make up who we are in the scenario of a living?
7.     Is the set of facets limited and rigid?
8.     What does a scale of one to ten allow us to do?