Showing posts with label biology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label biology. Show all posts

Thursday 5 March 2015

The six kingdom classification: Part 1, animals, plants, and fungi. History

1 Watch the video   and put the words into the gaps in the text.

As part of the attempt to 1______ our world human beings have always tried to order and 2______ this vast diversity of life. For many years it was believed that every living 3______ could be placed in either one of two broad categories: the 4_____ kingdom and the plant kingdom.
It was a Swedish 5_____ Carl von Linne in the 18th century who was the pioneer of a 6______ classification. Von Linne, known as Lynnaeus,  proposed methods of classification based on form and 7_____ that we still use widely today, although our understanding of the natural world is vastly greater now than it was in the mid 1700s. Back to him a bit later. In the nineteenth century the two kingdom system was defined more 8______. Each organism was carefully fitted into 9______, bearing in mind Darwin’s new theory of 10______ which tried to show how 11______ animals and plants evolved from simpler organisms. The animal kingdom contained all the organisms which take in and 12_______ food and usually move around to 13______ it.  While the plant kingdom contained all those which remain stationary and manufacture their own food by 14_____.  (A mushroom).
But 15_____ presented more of a problem: they remain stationary like plants, but 16_____ organic material directly into their bodies like animals. Because they seemed on balance to have more 17_____ with plants than animals, they were placed in the plant kingdom. (The kingdoms are defined by circles.) When optical 18______ appeared on the scene, biologists discovered a wide variety of 19_____ organisms. Some, like 20_____, remain stationary and photosynthesize like plants. These were classified as single-celled 21____, or simple plants, and were placed in the 22______ kingdom. (Their circle adheres to the plant circle.)
Others, such as 23_____, take in food like animals and so they were classified as Protozoa, from the Greek word ‘first 24_____’, and were placed in the animal kingdom. (The Protozoa circle extends from the animal circle.) But some single-celled organisms have the 25_____ of both animals and plants. Euglena usually 26______ its own food by photosynthesis. When it’s deprived of light; however, it then takes in food like an animal. (A tube-shaped Euglena.) So some biologists classified Euglena as a 27______ and placed it in the animal kingdom. But others said it should be classified as an alga and placed in the plant kingdom. It was 28______ to decide who was right.  Then some organisms were discovered that were many times smaller than the described.



in common


2 Vocabulary focus. Study the words and  word combinations, practise their translation, spelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play vocabulary game and set your own vocabulary game record.

3 Mark the following statements as True or False.

1 In the past people believed that all living organisms could be divided into four classes.
2 Animal kingdom and bird kingdom were the biggest classes..
3 Carl von Linnei is the same person as Lynnaeus.
4 For Lynnaeus form and function of organisms were very important.
5 Lynnaeus developed classification and we use it today.
6 Darwin’s theory is not important for classification of organisms.
7 Organisms in plant kingdom do not move.
8 Fungi formed a separate class.
9 All single-celled organisms were part of animal kingdom.
10 The word Protozoa means ‘first animals’.
11 Mushrooms are examples of Protozoa.

4 Answer the Questions.
1 What classes of  living organisms are described in the video?
2 What was the basis of classification for Lynnaeus?
3 What does Darwin’s theory of evolution explain?        
4What were the characteristics of members of animal kingdom?
5 What were the characteristics of members of plant kingdom?
6 Why were fungi different?
7 Why was optical microscope important for classification of living organisms?
8 What kingdom did single-celled algae belong to?
9 What were the characteristics of Amoeba? What kingdom did it belong to?
10 What were the characteristics of Euglena?