Showing posts with label computer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label computer. Show all posts

Friday 9 January 2015

Working with Filters in Photoshop CC

1 Watch the video and put the words into the gaps in the text.

In this video we will discuss some basic 1_____ inside Photoshop CC. Filters are like layer styles. They have various types; have effects and 2_____ of effects which you can apply.
There are a number of designers who use filters and work with them very deeply to come up with many 3____ combinations and images. Here I have an image and which I’m going to apply different filters to make it more effective. Look here in the filter 4____, here you have a 5____ of different categories of filters. I suggest that instead of paying attention to the filter names you should apply them one by one and check what they’re really doing with your image because the 6____ of any particular filter is totally dependent upon the image on which you’re working. Here we have “7____”, “distort”, “noise”, “stylize” and many more groups of filters.
The filter gallery is the option where you can see the 8___ of all the effects and filters before we apply them. Look, here is the list of filters which we have seen before in the filter menu. You can also apply the same filter effects from this 9____ list which contains all the filters together in a single 10____. Let’s try some filter effects on our image. Make sure this eye must be on so that we can see the preview effect or every filter effect on the image in the preview panel. Now just click on the filter which you want to apply to the image. You have to 11____ with every filter to find the proper effect for your image, because filters give different outputs for every different image. Let me try the “12____” filter. Here you can see some options to modify the effects of the 13____ filter. See that changing effects in the preview panel when I 14____ these options left and right. Finally, when you’re done experimenting with filters just 15____ OK to apply the final effect to the image. 16____ the difference in our image after we have given it the filter effect in the filter gallery. It has sharpened all of the 17____ and made the image look like it’s painted. Let’s try to make this image more effective. For that let me take a 18___ in layer, here you can see a set of different blur effects. I choose “Gaussian blur”, it will blur the whole image, set  its value around three or four and hit OK. Now change the 19____ if this blurred image to 20____, you can see how the feel of the image’s improved even before we have given any effects to the image.
It was a very dull image, but now the colors and feel of that the image have improved very much. So I hope you got the basic idea of filters and how we can use them and how they can help us to raise our creativity.


blending mode
poster edges

2 Vocabulary focus. Study the words and  word combinations, practise their translation, spelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play vocabulary game and set your own vocabulary game record.


3 Mark the following statements as True or False.

1.     The speaker suggests paying attention to the filter names.
2.     You can see the preview of all the effects in the filter gallery.
3.     You must click on the filter if you want t apply it.
4.     When you choose “Gaussian blur” effect the image gets sharp edges.
5.     The video shows the effects of “glowing edges” and “poster mode”.

4 Answer the Questions.
1.     What can users apply filters for?
2.     Where can users find the categories of the filters?
3.     What can users see in the option “filter gallery”?
4.     What should users do before they try filter effects?
5.     How can users apply the filter they have chosen?

Friday 31 January 2014

What is programming?

Watch the video  and put the words into the gaps in the text

So what exactly is (1)___? Well, you may have heard a phrase like this before: “A computer program is a (2)____ of (3)____”. Here is the problem. This sounds like one of those phrases that might be technically true and is kind of useless, like the human brain is 80% water. Because you hear this phrase but then you see a complex program like Photoshop or Flash or something playing (4)_____ video or a 3D game and you think, “Yeah but that can't just be a set of instructions”. But that's exactly what these are, all of them.
Every computer program is a series of instructions, a (5)____ of separate small commands, one after the other. Now there maybe five instructions contained in a program, maybe 5,000, maybe 5 million. Each (6)____ is telling the computer to do something very small, but very specific and the art of programming is to take a larger idea and break it (7)____ into these individual steps. And the wonderful thing is everyone can already do this. Let's imagine that you're sitting in your house in the suburbs waiting for a visit from a friend.
Your phone rings, it's her, and she's asking for (8)___. She tells you she's at a nearby gas station and you know it. You pass it every day; it's on your way home. So that journey point A to point B drops into your head as one piece, but you instantly know you can't (9)___ the journey the way you understand it. You have to break it down into simpler parts and you have to think about it to break it down because it's so (10)____ to you. So you start to (11)____ this apart and “You say you are going to need to turn right, then drive one mile, then you will turn left on Acacia Avenue, then you'll take the second right and then it's the fourth house on the left”. Specific, individual, simple, clear, (12)____ instructions.
Now you know that (13)____ here is vitally important. You mix these up, you will get very different results. “Turn right, drive 1 mile” takes you to quite a different place from “drive 1 mile, turn right”. But this same level of simple instructions, turn right, turn left, go straight, could take you around the (14)___ or it could take you on a five-year trip around the world visiting every Starbucks along the way. You'd still have instructions like turn right and left.






You'd just need a lot more of them. So with programming we are giving (15)___ to the computer. It's breaking apart a more complex idea, a more (16)___ task, into its smallest individual instructions and then using a programming language to write those instructions. Now, of course if you have never programmed, it's not clear right now what those instructions might be. You know it's probably not turn right and turn left. So what are those basic fundamental instruction you give a computer? Well, they are often very basic. They are things like (17)___ two numbers together, or display a letter on the (18)___, check to see if the user just hit the (19)____, change the color of one individual (20)____. But as with driving directions, you string together enough computer instructions that will get you very far indeed.
So when it might seem difficult to see how you get from (21)___ examples you see when beginning programming to complex games or applications, well that's what you get when you have a hundred people writing these instructions for sixty hours a week for several years, combined with the (22)___ of the computer to process them (23)___ fast, means that we could, if we wanted to, write the set of instructions that could (24)____ every single individual pixel on the screen thirty times a second.
Now think about that level of speed and think about why your instructions better be right. Because getting them wrong is like giving (25)___ directions to your friend when her car only has two speeds: 0 and 5000 miles an hour. You get those directions wrong, and the next call you get is her asking why she (26)___ your instructions to the letter, but her car is now in the middle of a forest crashed into a tree. Computers will do exactly what you tell them, so the instructions you give them better make (27)___.
In programming languages we write these instructions by writing what are called (28)____. Statements in programming languages are kind of like sentences in English. They use words, numbers, and (29)____ to express one thought, one individual piece. Most programming statements are pretty short, just a few words. Now, exactly what words, numbers, and punctuation you use depends on the (30)____ language. Some languages want each of your statements to end with a (31)___, like ending a sentence in English with a period, and others don't. You just go to the next line and start writing the next statement. Some languages are all (32)___, some languages are all lowercase, some languages just don't (33)___. Now, understanding the rules of each language is understanding the syntax of a programming language. So programming is the ability to take this idea in your head, break it apart into its individual pieces, and know how to write those pieces in the programming language you are using at the time, writing your statements in the right order, using the right syntax. But what language? Well, sometimes you get to pick a language and sometimes it's kind of picked for you.








1 Vocabulary focus. Sudy the words and  word combinations, practise their translation, spelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play vocabulary game and set your own vocabulary game record.

2 Answer the Questions
What is a computer program?
What is given in instructions? Why are they important?
What are statements and programming languages?
How can we understand the role of each language? Why is such understanding important?

3 Mark the following statements as True or False

Every computer program is a series of instructions and separate small commands.
Programming is giving instructions to the computer.
Computers closely follow instructions and do exactly what you tell them.
Statements in programming are like sentences in Russian.
Most programming statements consist of many words.
When we give directions to the computer it breaks them up like breaking more complex idea or a more complex task into the smallest individual instructions.
Computer program is a set of applications.
All languages want each of the statements to end with a comma.
Understanding a programming language is understanding its syntax.
Statements in programming languages use words, numbers, and punctuation to express one thought in one case

Thursday 23 January 2014

Future of Computer Interface

1.Vocabulary focus. Sudy the words and word combinations, practise their translation, spelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play vocabulary game and set your own vocabulary game record.

Watch the video  and put the words into the gaps in the text

  This is multi-touch (1)___ which is a multi-finger, (2)___ that has been bouncing around the world of computer science since the 1980s. Jefferson Han: “This is a multi-touch (3)____ and multi-touch which generally means multi-point input devices are about allowing more than one input to be in (4)____ at a time”.
NYU computer scientist, Jeff Han, built huge multi-touch (5)____ for (6)____ and military clients through his company “Perceptive Pixel”. In fact, multi-touch is swiftly becoming the hard interface for electronic (7)_____. Jefferson Han: “Multi-touch first of all allows for direct (8)_____. It means you are actually contacting not through an (9)____ but actually on the (10)_____ itself. It's a direct manipulation, in fact. Two, it means that I can do more than one point at a time. I can actually use two or three which means I can manipulate more things at a time. With the mouse, you can only manipulate one or two things at a time”.
But where Microsoft Surface Computer truly gets mind blowing is how it interacts with other devices. The Surface Computer uses a series of (11)____ cameras to literally see what is on its tabletop. Nigel Keam: “What we’re able to do is also have interaction with objects on the (12)____. So when we place an object on the surface, the cameras can recognize what that object is and allow us to interact directly with the object that we've just placed on the surface. We see this is a whole new category, a complete new (13)____ for computers”.
input device
multi-user interface



   Glene Derene: “Here we have a (14)___ camera and a lot of wireless (15)____ is built into the Surface computing platform. And it's evolving into, in the devices such as this camera. So here, we're going take a picture of my colleague Eric. And we can then just put the camera right on the device and use that picture, which is, I think, enormously flattering, of our friend, and really, really blow it up for maximum embarrassment. We have a cellphone and all the wireless linking is going on behind the scenes in the table. So you can take your photo and then just (16)____ put it on your wireless device and then take it with you. Now you've basically taken two devices and without having to (17)____ them into a computer or sync them up, you've (18)____ content from one to the other”.
Although surface computing may eventually find a place in the home, Microsoft initially plans to sell the devices to (19)___ partners such as T-Mobile, Harrah's Casinos and Starwood hotels. The 5000 to 10,000 dollar machines will start showing up in local (20)____ as early as the end of 2007. But where is all of this leading? Computer scientists see a near future of (21)____ where people are surrounded by (22)____ surfaces.
Nigel Keam: “It may be the surface of your kitchen table or it can be in front of your television and it can help you to control your television as the ultimate unlosable (23)___”. Jefferson Han: “Eventually, of course, this will trickle down and I do – I am very positive and I firmly believe that this kind of thing will be in that near future where we have wallpaper displays in every hallway, every (24)____, every surface starts to become an interface of a computer and in order for that to happen, we need (25)____ like this”.
 2. Answer the questions.
1.     What device is this video about?
2.     Does the Surface Computer use a series of infrared cameras?
3.     Can the camera recognize the object placed on the surface?
    4.     To whom does Microsoft plan sell the devices?
     5.Every surface starts to become an interface of a computer, doesn’t?

3.  Mark the following statements as True or False.

1.     The multi-touch technology has been bouncing around the world of computer science since the 1970s.
2.     Jeff Han built huge multi-touch displays for corporate and military clients through his company “Microsoft”.
3.     A direct manipulation means a contact on the graphics itself.
4.     You can’t manipulate more than two things at a time with the mouse.
5.     There is a lot of wireless functionality built in to the Surface computing platform.
6.     In this video the computer scientists transfer a photo from one camera to another. 
7.     Surface computing may find a place only in the banks.
8.     The computer scientists think that people will be surrounded by intelligent surfaces in near future.
9.  With the help of Microsoft Surface Computer you can control your television.




ubiquitous computing
retail stores
 remote control