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Showing posts with label judicial. Show all posts

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Introduction to Political science

1 Watch the video   and put the words into the gaps in the text.

      This presentation we’ll define political science and highlight some of the themes explored in this 1_____ science. What is political science? Well, it is not a science in which one conducts 2____ in a lab. In the case of politics the art of science of government where administrative states are units, the 3_____ is its lab. Some of the themes studied in political science and local government, the history of governments, 4____ systems, political communication, international 5____, urban policy, human rights, and comparative politics. These branches explore economics, norms, legal 6____ and leadership that sustain or disrupt societies.
     Government provides a leadership structure that guides and promotes an organized 7____. Parts of the structure are rules that are established and enforced with the 8____ of maintaining order and protecting 9_____. There are several types of governments: Constitutional style governments have structures in place to provide 10____ and balances of what they can do, 11____ governments have minimal to no limit on the extent of authority they possess, and lastly a totalitarian governing style has no 12____ on its power.
The word “democracy” derives from the 13____ word “demokratia” or “government by the people”. “Demos” means common people, “kratos” means rule. So it’s a term that comes up when discussing forms of government in which 14____ is vested in its people or their agents. The 15____ system refers to voting representation by select members of government that act on behalf of their constituents. An interesting note about democracy is that while 16____ rules in a democratic society, the 17_____ rights of the minority are still protected.
An example of a democratic government is the U.S. which has three 18____. The legislative branch is 19____, it has two chambers the complete it: the House and the Senate. The members of the House and the Senate pass 20____ laws, regulate interstate commerce and control federal appropriations. The President is at the head of the 21____ branch, among its responsibilities this office appoints justices of the Supreme Court and federal judges, makes foreign treaties and can grant federal pardons and is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. Lastly there is the judicial branch where the Supreme 22____ sits atop and reviews lower courts’ decision and rules whether the laws are Constitutional or not. This separation of power illustrates the system of checks and balances that underpins democracy in the United States and one that has served as an 23_____ to other societies seeking to emulate similar principles.





2 Vocabulary focus. Study the words and  word combinations, practise their translation, spelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play vocabulary game and set your own vocabulary game record.

3 Mark the following statements as True or False.

1 Political science is studied in labs.
2 Political science is a natural science.
3 There are two main types of government.
4 Constitutional governments have absolute power.
5 In democracy only the rights of majority are protected.
6 Political science studies international relations and human rights.

4 Answer the Questions.
1 What does political science study?
2 What does the word “democracy” mean?
3 What types of government are there?
4 How many branches does the government have in the U.S.?
5 What are the functions of the government?        
6 What is the role of the legislative branch?
7 What branch of government does the President of the US belong to? What are the roles and functions of the US President?
8 What is judicial branch? What are its functions in the US?