Showing posts with label mortality rate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mortality rate. Show all posts

Sunday 21 December 2014

Biology. What is Ebola?


1 Watch the video and put the words into the gaps in the text.
 Recently there’s been an 1_____ of Ebola in Guinea. The 2_____ made a leap from remote, forested areas to the capital, causing widespread fear. At the time of writing there were 127 confirmed cases, 87 of whom had died. There are further 3____ outside Guinea in the neighbouring Sierra Leone and Liberia. It’s been described as an 4_____ on a scale never seen before. But what the hell is it?
The Ebola virus causes Ebola 5____ disease, or EVD. It is one of the most 6_____ diseases known to mankind. Ebola is actually a group of five viruses: Bundibugyo ebolavirus, Zaire, Reston, Sudan, and Tai Forest. The outbreak in Guinea is one of the most deadly forms, the Zaire 7_____. The Zaire strain can have a 8_____ rate of up to 90 per cent. Ebola was first identified in 1976 with two outbreaks that happened pretty much at the same 9_____. One was in Sudan and the other was in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The DRC outbreak happened near the Ebola River, which is where the disease gets its 10 ____. And the most deadly outbreak ever was also in DRC in 1995. That 11 ______ 254 people out of a total of 315 infected. That’s an 81 percent mortality rate.
Ebola is found in fruit bats, chimpanzees, 12____, monkeys, forest antelope and porcupines and it passes to humans through close 13_____ with bodily fluids, blood and the organs of those 14____ mammals. So one of the main ways that it’s introduced humans is by eating bush 15_____ - the meat of dead or already ill animals. It’s then passed from human to human by direct contact with blood, secretions, organs and bodily 16____, through broken skin or mucous membranes. If a man is lucky enough to survive Ebola, he can still transmit the disease for up to seven weeks afterwards through his semen. That’s why the government in Guinea has warned people about having sex, 17____ or even shaking hands at the moment.
It can also be passed on via a 18____ body, if mourners have contact with the deceased person. Health care workers are at particular risk because of their 19____ contact with patients and that’s  why the World Health Organisation have sent 3.5 tonnes of 20____ materials out to Guinea, which includes biohazard suits, disinfectants and burial shrouds. Ebola first manifests itself with a sudden fever, 21_____, muscular pains, headaches and sore throats. But that quickly worsens, with symptoms including 22____, diarrhea, rash and impairment of 23____ and liver function. In some cases internal and external 24_____ also occurs. It has an incubation period - that’s the time between infection to the onset of symptoms - of just 2 to 21 days. Death is usually caused by multiple organ failure, shock or loss of blood and happens soon after infection.
There’s currently no vaccine - it’s not been a 25_____ for drugs companies because it’s rare and happens in remote parts of Africa. And if you want to have a 26_____ about the morals of that in the comments section, please do. But the US is funding the work on a vaccine, because there is no natural human immunity, so it’s on their list of potential bio-terror 27_____. Ebola doesn’t tend to spread too far, because it’s usually found in very remote areas of Africa, so quarantining is 28_____ easy.
The speed with which it kills also limits the virus’ 29____ to spread too far. But this outbreak in the capital of Guinea, and with the cross border spread, has got 30____ experts worried. It’s in a dense 31_____ area and has spread across the borders in a way it never has before. But it’s unlikely to travel across continents - first of all because 32_____ procedures are really quite good these days and partly because the symptoms develop so quickly that people are just too ill for plane travel.
So those are just some the facts about Ebola and just in case there’s a media 33_____ about pandemics and everybody 34_____, there’s a video over there about why that’s very, very 35_____ to happen and why you shouldn’t fear anything at all.








2 Vocabulary focus. Study the words and  word combinations, practise their translation, spelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play vocabulary game and set your own vocabulary game record.


3 Mark the following statements as True or False.

1.     Ebola is actually a group of viruses.
2.     The Zaire strain can have a fatality rate of up to 90 per cent.
3.     The outbreak of Ebola happened near the Ebola Mount, which is where the disease gets its name.
4.     Death is usually caused by intense coughing and lung failure.
5.     Organ function impairment, shock, fever or loss of blood are among the symptoms of Ebola.
6.     People who survived Ebola cannot spread the virus.
7.     Dead bodies can be the source of infection.
8.     Ebola is found in cats and dogs.
9.     People can fall ill if they eat the meat of ill animals.
10. Ebola can be found in densely populated areas.

4 Answer the Questions.
1.      Is Ebola virus one of the most virulent diseases known to mankind?
2.     When was Ebola virus first identified?
3.     Why cannot Ebola virus spread too far?
4.     What is the main way people can get Ebola virus?
5.     What is the incubation period for Ebola virus?
6.     Is there a vaccine to cure Ebola virus?
7.     What is done to prevent the spread of Ebola?
8.     What countries are affected by Ebola virus?
9.     What are the symptoms of Ebola disease?
10. How long does it take for serious symptoms to develop?