Showing posts with label publicity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label publicity. Show all posts

Monday 7 April 2014

What is Publicity and Marketing? Publicist Katie Rosin

1 Watch the video   and put the words into the gaps in the text.

- I’m Katie  Rosin of Kampfire PR and I do PR, marketing and (1)___ building plus (2)____ for the Indie theater community Off-Off-Broadway and I..
- That’s known as ‘(3)___’, what does it mean?
- What I do, so I do sort of three different things: I do publicity which is the free (4)____ of information. So that’s, you know, making sure that you have listings, possible (5)____ articles, (6)___, getting your photos out to people, creating a press kit, something like that.  I do all that but additionally  I do marketing so I can work with clients on their posters, postcards, e- blasts, anything that costs (7)___ and is sort of in the marketing realm, so anything you have to pay for. And then there’s audience building, which I think social networking falls under, which is reaching out to organizations that you think might be interested in this particular production and trying to get them to buy (8)____.
- Now that’s reaching out through a Facebook community …
- I do it in all different ways.
- So it’s not necessarily social networking as in computers social networking, it’s...
- Well, I think social networking falls under (9)___ building so I put social networking as sort of categorized as audience building. In audience building I can call the person, I could email them, I can send them a Facebook message, I could, so it’s all, you know, all the above. Publicity, as it’s defined, is the free dissemination of information to the (10)____. So often it’s confused in the fact that it’s could be publicity blitz, reaching out to industry or anything of the like,  but it’s really raising (11)____ of your show to the media, so that is to journalists,  critics, listings, feature editors  and that sort. And it’s free. I break publicity into four categories: it’s your, I said, your master (12)___ which is sort of the ‘who, what, wheres, whens’, I do listings which can be free manual uploads but also its that Time Out New York Theater section are those were theater section are the New York Times website, those are listings. Then there are critic call (13)____ which everyone’s always interested in and that, you know, the critics have evaluated your show  whether it’s online or in print. And then there are also feature articles. Usually feature articles run in advance in the profile of the people involved in the show or if the show’s on an interesting topic, it’s before the show opens. Let’s hope.
social networking

press release

2 Vocabulary focus. Sudy the words and  word combinations, practise their translation, spelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play vocabulary game and set your own vocabulary game record.

3 Mark the following statements as True or False.

1.     Publicity is the same as marketing and audience building.
2.     Free dissemination of information can include feature articles, listings, and reviews.
3.     Marketing has to deal with everything that costs money.
4.     Social networking falls under the category of marketing.
5.     In audience building a publicist can call the person, could email them.
6.     Usually feature articles run after the show starts.

4 Answer the Questions.
1.     How does the speaker define publicity?
2.     What components or activities can publicity include?
3.     What does work with marketing include?
4.     What does audience building include? What can publicists do in order to build audience?
5.     Why are feature articles and reviews important? Does it matter if the article or review in online or in print?