Showing posts with label shell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shell. Show all posts

Monday 12 January 2015

Atoms and Molecules -Basics

1 Watch the video   and put the words into the gaps in the text.
Hello, friends! I am an atom, yes an atom. Can you see me? Oh, yes. I know you can see me on your screen, but I am just an imaginary 1___ of an atom. Real atoms are too tiny. You can only see them under a very special 2____. Actually, this big microscope can be called a 3____. Okay, now you know that we are so tiny that we can only be seen with machines.
Now, I have a question for you. Do you know the meaning of your name? Very good if you know it. If you don’t know, ask your parents. But I also know the meaning of my 4____; it means “that which can’t be cut”, “that which is uncuttable”. Actually it’s a Greek word which means it is 5_____, which means it can’t be divided further or can’t be cut further. Let me show you something; let me ask this man to cut the apple in his hand in half. Now, do it again, please, do it again, keep doing it until you can’t 6____ it any further. Yes, this is the smallest part which you can’t cut any further, but it can also be cut under 7____ machine. So, if you get a part so small which can’t be divided further, it is called indivisible. It can’t be cut further, it is uncuttable, it is an atom.
 Let me tell you a secret. Everything is made up of atoms: you, this water, this table, this blackboard, this pen, these fruits. Everything, everything is made up of atoms. Oh, you’re right too. Everything is made of 8____, but all molecules are made of atoms. Confused? Go to the blackboard and write any sentence. Good. Now, this is a whole sentence. Now, 9____ all the words in this sense, now let’s take a word, and circle all the letters of ‘are’ with some other color. Very good. You see, this sentence is made up of 10____, but words are made up of letters, so 11____ are the smallest units of a sentence. Similarly everything is made up of molecules, but molecules are made up of atoms. So atoms are the smallest unit of everything.
Look at this. See, water is made up of water molecules, but water is made up of atoms. There are two atoms of 12____ and one atom of 13____ in each water molecule. So when atoms join together, they form a molecule, and when molecules 14____ together they form a thing. So, now you understand. So, now, friends, I would show my body. Yes, I would show different parts of my body. In the centre of an atom there is the 15____, it is made up of even smaller parts. These are called protons and 16____. Each of these protons carries a 17____ electrical 18____. The neutrons are equally as heavy as protons, but don’t carry any electrical charge. So, the nucleus of an atom is positively charged due to protons. Now, electrons are outside the nucleus, they’re 19____ around the nucleus. The electrons carry a 20____ charge. The total negative charge of electrons is equal to the positive charge up the nucleus. So, in total an atom is neutral. The positive charge of the protons is neutralized by the negative charge of the electrons. So, it’s like +1 is 21_____ by -1 and overall charge of an atom becomes 0. The electrons are moving outside the nucleus at a very high speed. Can they run away from the 22____? No, they can’t run away. Every atom has the same number of protons, electrons, and neutrons.  So there is an attraction between equally strong negative and positive charges. Due to this 23_____ electrons can’t run away as positively charged protons keep them pulled towards them. Hope this is all cleared on the view. Otherwise you can always go back and see it again.
Now, let me explain how we, atoms, bond together to form a molecule. It’s just like the letters getting together to form a word. Electrons keep moving in 24____ outside the nucleus. Each shell contains a fixed number of electrons. The first shell can have two electrons, and the second can have eight electrons, the third can hold eighteen, and the fourth can hold up to thirty two electrons. The atoms in the 25____ shell of an atom are called 26____ electrons and the outermost shell is called the valence shell. Atoms bond with other atoms to form a 27____ with these valence electrons in the valence shell. Remember one thing: atoms always keep trying to fill their shells. Take for example and oxygen atom. In its second shell it can hold up to eight electrons, but the oxygen atom only has six electrons in its second shell. So it is always looking for more electrons to 28____ its shell. Now, here is a hydrogen atom. It only has one electron in its outer shell, but it can 29___ two electrons in its shell. So it is also 30____ more electrons. So the oxygen atom bonds with two hydrogen atoms to fill its valence shell by sharing one electron from each hydrogen atom. In this way the hydrogen atoms 31____ is also fulfilled as they can also fill their shells to their 32____ of two electrons in their valence shells. By combining together they become water molecules. So, friends, now you understand us. I am part of you, so learn us well by watching this video again and again.





looking for

2 Vocabulary focus. Study the words and  word combinations, practise their translation, spelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play vocabulary game and set your own vocabulary game record.

3 Mark the following statements as True or False.

1 Atoms are too tiny and people cannot see them without microscopes.
2 Atoms are made of molecules.
3 Protons carry negative charge.
4 Every atom is always charged.
5 Each shell contains a fixed number of electrons.
6 The first shell of an atom can hold up to three electrons.

4 Answer the Questions.
1 What does the word “atom” mean?
2 What do atoms form when they are joined together?
3 What parts does the atom consist of?
4 Can electrons run away from the nucleus? Why is it possible or impossible?
5 What is shell?                                         
6 What do atoms always try to do?
7 What is valence?