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Showing posts with label street. Show all posts

Tuesday 21 January 2014

10 things you need to know about London

Watch the video  and put the words into the gaps in the text

Hello, I am Colm Hanratty from if you’re want more of the best traditional fish and chips, one of the best cities (1)______  and one of the coolest neighborhoods in the British (2)______ don’t go anywhere, because here are 10 things you need to know about London.
      The capital of England and located on the river Thames, London is one of the most (3)_____ cities in the world. It is the (4)______ to Europe for many fun lovers and  here you can take a spin on the world’s best known big wheel, go to a show in the city’s famous West (5)_____. And sample some of England’s best (6)______on Monday.
      Now here is the first of those 10 things. With the (7)______ of 7.5 million people and covering the area of 600 square miles, London is one Europe’s (8)______ cities.




       Over 270 (9)______ live in the British capital and between them over 250 languages are spoken more than any other city in the world. It’s because of this that the list of things to do, restaurants, eating and drinking is virtually (10)_____.
       Transporting over one billion people around the city every year, building of (11)______ which is better known as Tube is efficient and extremely easy to use. There are 12 lines in operation and as many of the city’s top (12)_______ have their own stops you will definitely need to use it at some stage during your stay. If you are going to use the Tube a lot one day make sure to invest in off-peak (13)______ for zones 1 and 2. They cost just over  ₤ 5 and you can use Tube as much as you want for the entire day. But if you’re coming to London for more than one day make sure to invest in one of these it’s an ‘Oyster card’. They work on (14)_______ basis and you can take them from local machines at the stations, they make travel quicker, cheaper and easier.
      When in London the problem is ‘not what is there to see’, it’s more like ‘what isn’t there to see’. Buckingham Palace, Tower (15)_____, Trafalgar Square, Big Ben are just some of the (16)______ that can be found here. A great way to see loads of attractions in the short space of time is by going for a (17)_____ along river Thames from here Westminster Bridge down to Tower Bridge which is in 45 minutes from here. Behind me is the Houses of Parliament and (18)______ Ben, over there we’ve got London Eye, further down the river you can see St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Gherkin (19)______, and the Tower of London.




travel card







      If you are the one that likes to visit museums and (20)_____ than you’re in for a treat as many of London’s are free. This includes the Natural History Museum and the Science Museum, which are side by side on Exhibition Road in South Kensington and Victoria and Albert Museum which is just right around the corner on Cromwell Road. Closer to the West End is the National Portrait Gallery behind Trafalgar (21)_____ on St. Martin’s Place. Well actually on Trafalgar Square is the National Gallery which contains works by Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt and Van Gogh. Lovers of  (22)_____ art may prefer to visit the famous Tate Modern under city’s Millennium Bridge. Opened in 1753 and also free to enter is this museum here called the British Museum on Russell Street. It’s considered by many to be the greatest museums in England. And the many who walk through the doors to this hall here’s called the Great Court. It’s got over 88 rooms and over 7 million artifacts. These include (23)_____ from Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and more.
       If the (24)_____  and hustle of the city centre is getting a bit too much and you’re looking for somewhere to (25)______ for a couple of hours London has loads of (26)_____ to visit. The biggest and by far the best known of all of those parks is Hyde Park which is here in West London. Covering 145 hectares here you will find lakes, pounds, like one of behind me. It’s also where you’ll find Speakers’ (27)______, a place where people can voice their opinion on anything and everything every Sunday morning. Other parks you may want to check out are St. James's Park in front of Buckingham Palace and the Green Park which is just across the road. Up in north London you will find Regent's Park where you can see all sorts of (28)_____ and Primrose Hill which has (29)______ view of the city.
      London is famously one of the best cities in the world to go (30)______ and the great place to treat yourself to something new. This is Carnaby Street which is full of shoe shops and  (31)______shops.










chill out



     Other streets well known for shopping are Regents Street and Oxford Streets. Over in Knightsbridge Street you will find Harrods the (32)______store which is a tourist’s attraction of its own right. For a little budget you’ll find (33)______in markets in Camden Town.
      Along with all its world-class attractions London is also home to some really cool (34)_____. Covent Garden which is right in the heart of West End is where you’ll   find (35)_____ shops and restaurants, while neighboring Soho is full of bars and also the city’s gay quarter.
      On the tube’s northern line is the famous Camden Town. The great thing about Camden is that it’s more like a big (36)_____ than a big city.  This is due to its lock, markets, eclectic clothes shops and tattoo parlors. Another popular (37)_____ is Notting Hill which is largely due to the 1999 film of the same name. Here you can visit the bookshop where Hugh Grant’s characters worked in the film. Its main cultural flair is Portobello Road which is lined with cafes and (38)______ shops.
      Once in the British capital you need to try the traditional (39)_______ and the great place to try it is this restaurant here called The Golden Hind just off the top of Oxford Street. Another great British tradition is sausage and (40)______ potatoes, and the good place to try this is in S&M café on Brushfield Street near Liverpool Station in the East End of the city.
        Along with Broadway in New York, London’s West End is the most famous theatre (41)_____ in the world, and at any given time you can go to see a musical, (42)______ or comedy. The best known place to get discount tickets is the TKTS Booth in Leicester Square, but make sure to shop around because you might find better (43)______ in other ticket offices around here as well as those in Piccadilly Circus.








fish and chips




     While there are lots of bars around Piccadilly Circus and Soho’s Old Compton Street in the West End, it’s worth taking the trip east and going there at night. You should check out some of (44)_____ east of the city for bars like Shoreditch and Hoxton. Other bars worth (45)______ are Jam and Kick Near the corner of Shoreditch High Street and Old Street, and Bluu on Hoxton Square.
       So that are ten things you need to know about London. Hopeful you pick up some tips from this video.
checking out


1 Translate  words and word combinations  from English into  Ukrainian and use them in your own sentences
Fish and chips;  to sample; iconic; Tube; off-peak; pay-as-you-go; travel card; landmark; to be in for a treat; artifact; wildlife; breathtaking; bustle; to chill out; bargain; neighborhood; flair; discount; tip.

2 Comprehension questions
1.     What is the population of London ?
2.     How many nationalities live in the British capital ? How many languages do they speak? How does it influence the tourism in the city?
3.     What options does Tube offer tourists? How much does Oyster card cost?
4.     What is the best way to see all the main sites in a short period of time?
5.     Are there a lot of parks in London and what park is the most famous in London?
6.     What is London’s West End district most famous for? Where can tourists find discounts on theatre tickets?
7.     What is the famous traditional British dish?
8.     What are the most famous neighborhoods? What are the attractions and sites in each neighborhood?
9.     What can London offer shoppers? What districts are the best for shopping?
10.  Where can tourists go to experience London’s nightlife?

3 Say if the following statements are true according to the text.

1.     London is the capital of England.
2.     The capital of England is situated on the river Dnieper.
3.     The population of London is 3 million people.
4.     The most famous park of London is Hyde Park.
5.     Tourists can find exciting wildlife in Hyde Park.
6.     Speakers’ Corner is in St. James's Park.
7.     The London’s East End district is famous for theatres.
8.     London’s West End is more famous than Broadway.
9.     Harrods is a well-known department store.
10. Buying things on the market is cheaper.