Showing posts with label sustainability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sustainability. Show all posts

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Overview of Sustainable Tourism

Watch the video  and put the words into the gaps in the text

      I’m Laura from Tourism Auckland. I work in (1)_______ team developing internal capability for Tourism Auckland and also working with the industry in developing their sustainability initiatives. Sustainable tourism is meeting the needs of present tourists and communities. It’s for teaching and enhancing the needs of the future at things like efficient use of (2)_____, also looking at how we can have a robust economic business model. So you’ve got a business here aimed at the future and also looking at getting engaged with local community in (3)______ initiatives. Sustainable tourism is important to New Zealand industry because it’s built on 100% pure promise and is worth $ 20 billion.
      We need to meet expectations of our international visitors. Visitors come to New Zealand for two main reasons: for culture and for and (4)_____. It’s important that we maintain our competitive inch. In Tourism Auckland we’re trying to build capability around sustainability. In our tourism industry we do this by running the STAR program: Sustainable Tourism Advisors in Regions. It’s a nationally run program, there are nine advisors across the country working with businesses in all areas of tourism. How the program works is that a business signs up, an initial (5)______ is made and then a site assessment is done to look at the operations of the business. Once all the information’s gathered, they’re provided with a comprehensive report on practical action about how they can develop their own sustainability and capability. They cover things like energy (6)_____, resource use, looking at getting involved with local community in (7)______ efforts. It’s a great program, it takes quite a (8) ______ view to sustainable practice. The STAR program is used as an (9)______tool. It helps educate management and also stakeholders of businesses.










In turn, they then (10)_____ staff, which has ripple effect throughout the community. They also have expectations on the (11)______ and that helps develop capability among small businesses.
Sustainability tends to start the vision in a plan when you look at key aspects such as water, (12)_____and energy. Efficiency of these resources needs to be measured and margined. Waste is a huge concern in an Auckland region. We produce every month rugby fields with (13)______ up to a ten stories high building. We really need to work on diverting our waste from landfill. Practical action businesses can take is by things like waste audit: looking at what waste is being produced and looking for divert waste from (14)______. This is by providing efficient (15)_______ system looking at your organic strain and whether you can put compost or perhaps a (16)_____ farming place.
 Small things such as double-sided printing and encouraging staff to use (17)_____ coffee containers and perhaps refilling their water bottles as opposed to buying whole new bottles. This is well exampled by Langham Hotel they are pretty much a leader in this space with their recycling systems. They are now trialing diverting (18)______ from their waste (19)_____ and they’ve also bought a polystyrene converter, which is the amazing machine diverting polystyrene from landfill.
      The exciting thing about energy efficiency is that you are able to perceive it at any time. We start to work hard though with (20)______ efficiency across all business practices. Things such as energy efficient bulbs,  having a (21)_____ policy when you turn off lights, computer screens, and appliances, also small things like procuring items locally. We need to consider (22)_____ training making sure that we’ve got the economical drivers, and then when we’ve got vehicles idling they’re switched off after 30 seconds.













I’ve got a good example of energy (23)____as Explore NZ in the Auckland region. Explore NZ is a good example with using biofuels for the fleet of boats. And they also have a (24)____ approach to all the other energy efficiency practices.
Given one of the main reasons visitors come to New Zealand is because of our (25)_____, it is important that we protect this natural asset. There are many active groups in the Auckland region looking at conservation and community work.  One of those for example is the Kaipatiki Project over on the north shore.  The Kaipatiki Project works on (26)_____ education and restoration. Another example is Project Twin Streams over in Waitakere city looking at water quality and replanting of stream areas. Auckland Transition Towns is also very active; it has many community and environmental based internships such as encouraging (27)______ , looking at how businesses can get involved in community gardens also looking at minimizing (28)______.
      Sustainable (29)______ is also an important concept both in construction and in business design. In construction space maximizing the use of (30)_____ resources, such as timber, and making sure that it is solidified. Also when you’re making new builds having things such as double glazing and insulation fitted is also very important. Business design on the other hand can include things such as efficient tour roads, visiting places that have low or minimal impact on the (31)______.









1 Translate  words and word combinations  from English into  Ukrainian and use them in your own sentences
Internal capability; sustainability; to enhance; competitive inch; comprehensive; stakeholder; conservation; holistic; assessment; waste; landfill; to divert; polystyrene; to procure; supplier; natural asset; timber; double glazing.

2 Comprehension questions
1.     What is the purpose of sustainability initiatives?
2.     How does STAR program work?
3.     What is waste audit?
4.     How can managers improve sustainability in their companies and small businesses?
5.     What is energy efficiency?
6.     How is energy efficiency connected with driving?
7.     What is New Zealand’s main natural asset?
8.     What can environmental groups do to develop sustainability?
9.     What renewable resources should be used in construction?
10. How can tourism be sustainable?

3 Say if the following statements are true according to the text.

1.     Sustainability does not help create a robust business model.

2.     Tourists come to New Zealand to see beautiful nature.

3.     Waste is a big problem for Auckland region.

4.     There is no method of recycling waste.

5.     Energy efficiency works in all business practices.

6.     Some companies have switch-off policy, that is switching off coffee machines when nobody needs them.

7.     Using biofuels is an example of energy efficiency.

8.     Active environmental groups focus on education and restoration.

9.     Construction and business design should be connected with energy efficiency.

10.  Sustainability is impossible in new builds.