Showing posts with label theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label theory. Show all posts

Monday 24 February 2014

The difference between Concepts Models and Theories

1 Watch the video   and put the words into the gaps in the text.

Knowing the difference between (1)___, models and theories will help you understand research and (2)____ intelligently with other professionals. There are a number of ways to define concepts. Essentially a concept is a description of an event, situation or experience. Typically these (3)____ of concepts are abstract and (4)____. Some concepts are more understood than others. It is important to define concepts so we can communicate. For example, my husband and I have different views on what defines a garage and a shed. Since we own (5)____ with both our different definitions have caused some communication issues. When I talk about needing to clean the garage sometimes the wrong building gets cleaned.
Research studies should present a conceptual or (6)____ in the (7)____ portion of the article. These frameworks tell you where the (8)____ is coming from and define the concepts under study. It helps to know how a researcher views the concepts under study so you can (9)____ if you or other studies you are looking at define these concepts in the same way. That way you know if they are studying a shed or a garage. Sometimes researchers will describe what is known about the concepts without a model or theory. In this case it is called a (10)____ framework. Other times they will present at specific model or theory to describe how the concepts that they will be studying relate to one another. However, before models and theories can be developed, concepts need to be (11)____.
There are specific methods to define concepts for research. The methods chosen will depend on your beliefs about the nature of the concept. If you believe concepts are concrete, (12)____ and do not change your approach will search for the truth about the concepts. Concepts that are defined in this way may be the (13)____ under study in (14)____. However, if you think that concepts are influenced by context, (15)____ (but not measurable) and dynamic your approach would be much different. Concepts that are defined in this way would be more (16)____ as a framework for qualitative research. Often research will examine the relationships between and among various concepts.
 A framework that shows these relationships may be in the form of a model or a theory. Models are usually developed based on qualitative research. They demonstrate the researcher’s interpretation of how concepts are related to one another. You may find models in the (17)____ of some research articles. Sometimes models are based on understandings that are not from specific research studies. For example, the picture on this slide represents a model of my (18)____ of the difference between concepts, models and theories. Theories, on the other hand, are more tested than models. They are systematic and are used to explain, (19)____, describe and prescribe phenomena. They look a lot like models so sometimes people (20)____ these two terms. Theories are tested and measured, most of the time with quantitative research, in order to prove the relationships between concepts. It takes a lot more than one research study to prove a theory. Qualitative research can also be done to support theories. The more research that supports a theory the better it is. Remember, concepts need to be defined in order to build a model or a theory. Both models and theories show proposed relationships between concepts.
The difference between a model and a theory is the (21)____ of “(22)___” that exists for them, which stems from how they were developed. Models are not considered proven. Theories are considered proven and (23)___ by multiple research studies. That is why they are viewed as a more (24)___ representation of phenomena.


theoretical framework

quantitative research

findings section


2 Vocabulary focus. Sudy the words and  word combinations, practise their translation, spelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play vocabulary game and set your own vocabulary game record.

3 Mark the following statements as True or False.

1.      Theoretical framework of a study is usually presented in introduction.
2.     Researchers never describe what is known about the concepts without a model or a theory.
3.     Quantitative research focuses on concrete, measurable concepts.
4.     Qualitative research is the study of measurable concepts.
5.     A model or a theory is a form of relationship between concepts.
6.     Models are usually tested.
7.     Scientists try to prove theories.
8.     Models are considered proven and supported by multiple research studies.

 4 Answer the Questions.
1.     Why are concepts, models and theories important for research?
2.     What is theoretical framework?
3.     What is conceptual framework?
4.     Where are conceptual and theoretical frameworks found in an article?
5.     How can scholars see the nature of concepts? How can they study concepts?
6.     What is a model? What is a theory? Which can be tested and proven?
7.     What is the difference between models and theories?