Showing posts with label timeline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label timeline. Show all posts

Sunday 21 June 2015

Best Ways to Manage Your Projects

Put the words into the gaps in the text
Hello, my name is Jenifer Waite, director at project Hello, welcome to our whiteboard session today on «The three best ways to manage your project». This is the most common question that I get when people contact me or people ask on the (1)____ in our project community. So people ask: “How can I manage my projects more effectively and more quickly?” So I think the key word is “to (2)___”, organize your work and these are the three things that I try to implement that helps me and also the people in our (3)_____.
So, number one: share project plans easily.
So number one: you have to have a way to share the plans. In many organizations and many companies, as we see, there’s no way for people to (4)____ different documents, so by allowing people to access the plans real-time and easily, it helps to manage your  projects.
Number two: manage teams online. So, to be able to have a (5)_______ for people, team-members, to go on to your project plans online, I said that you can manage their task an assigned task and they can actually complete in (6)____ on their status.
Number three is track progress daily. I submit real-time, if you have these mechanisms in place and online accessible by your team-members and they keep going as they (7)___ items, then when you report status to your executives, your shareholders, your (8)__ they’re able to see what’s happening real time.
So those are the three best ways to manage your project, so many people say: «Well, how do I do that, what things or what do I need, in place to be able to do that?» We think they’re six, six (9)____ that you must have in order to (10)_____ your projects better.









Number one: your dashboard. You must have a dashboard in there for you to be able to (11)__ how the health of your project – is it on track, is it off track, are there a red, a yellow a green (12)___  and being able to have your (13)___ members to be able to see the status of the project too.
Number two: a project planner. You must have some tool in place to be able to plan your projects - the task, the resources and the timelines, the milestones.
Number three: intelligent reporting. Not only do you need to see reports of your project but so do other team-members. If they have worked (14)___ upon someone else completing theirs, they need to know how that the other person, the other organization, that they’re waiting on how they’re coming. They need to know if something’s going to be late, so they can (15)___ accordingly. And also for your executives and your (16)____ too.
Number four is a way to manage your teams. So you need some way again to manage your resources. How have you managed their (17)____, have you overloaded their work? Maybe they’re not getting things done because they’re overloaded or maybe they have projects that are (18)____ therefore they’re not getting things. So by having a tool you can be able to see how you had your resources (19)____.
Number five: tracking results. Having a tool in place to track of results, of task, of people, of resources, of assets, of your budget.
       Number six: a way to (20)____ online. So, again, many team-members are even if they in the same building - they may be on a different floor, they if they’re in the same city - they may be in different buildings. Of course we have people working on projects in different cities and now internationally, so being able to (21)___ documents and collaborate, and talk about documents, give feedback in real time, having a way to have a discussion group just sounds like some of the the social (22)___ channels  have ways to have discussion groups. 













So, to have this type tools, (23)____ for your projects. Some people say: “Well, that’s great. How do I even do that?”, because people are struggling for (24)____.  So I say I like to make my life easier. So there’s actually software available now. They can do all of these things, they’re software that you can purchase, that have all six of these tools (25)____, so you can deliver these three things and  organize your work better and therefore manage your projects better.




Vocabulary focus. Study the words and  word combinations, practise their translation, spelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play vocabulary game and set your own vocabulary game record.

2. Complete the sentences.
1.     This is the most common question …
2.     You must have a dashboard 
3.     You must have some tool 
4.     In many organizations and many companies …
5.     So, to be able to have …
6.     They can do all of these 
7.     Not only do you need …
8.     Maybe they’re not getting …
9.     Of course we have people …
10.  If they have worked …

3. Say if the following statements are true according to the text.
1.     The key word in successful project management world is ‘control’.
2.     Managers need to share the plans in one organization or company.
3.      Software allows manners to contact all team-members and supervise their tasks.
4.     It’s better for your project, when stakeholders can see what happening real time is.
5.     A dashboard allows managers to assess changing demands of the executives.
6.     You never can determine in advance what the task, the resources and the timelines, the milestones at your project will be.
7.     The team-members need to see reports of the project but not your executives.
8.     The health of your project is one of the most important conditions for you and your team-members.
9.     Nowadays a lot of computer programs with a variety of tools can help you with your projects.
10. Successful project needs your weekly progress tracking.

4. Comprehension questions.
Why do you need to share the plans?
Why do you have to manage a workload or your resources?
What does tracking of results include?
What are the main ways to collaborate online?
What are the main tools that help to manage your projects better?