
Monday 20 January 2014

Maldives tourism suffers amidst political turmoil

 Watch the video and put the words into the gaps in the text

   The Maldives a (1)_______ for the rich and famous.  Some (2)______ hundred thousand tourists come here every year to (3)______ on these picture-perfect beaches. But the country’s 1.5 billion dollar tourism has (4)_____ been reshuffled by national political (5)______ in capital Malé and other islands. The Tourism (6)______ says there have been at least 500 holiday since (7)____  the crisis began. Resort managers are trying to calm nerves: “It’s one island – one (8)_____, and each resort is really a time (9)______; so what happens here and what happens on a different island are two completely separate worlds”.

   It’s scenes like  these that are keeping tourists away. Recent police clashes with protesters made international (10)_____ after the former President Mohamed Nasheed resigned in what he says was a coup. Despite the unrest (11)_____ on nearby islands say they feel (12)______: “While we watched the news on TV we were (13)______.  But yesterday we went to Malé and everything was ok, there was no (14)_______”.
     But some fear (15)________ the has already been done. Tourism is a (16)______  industry for the Maldives indirectly contributing 75% of the (17)____ and employing twenty thousand (18)_______. With so much at stake the new governments says its top priority is to restore (19)_______: “I think we are facing the challenging times and I am sure that we will overcome it and we will remain as (20)______ and democratic nation”. The Tourism Association has already warned that the Maldives could lose a hundred million dollars because of (21)_______. Many here are urging leaders to put a swift end to the crisis.


1 Translate words and word combinations from English into Ukrainian and use them in your own sentences
Picture-perfect; billion; playground; to bask; to reshuffle; resort manager; challenging; to overcome; cancellation; lifeline; GDP; local.

2 Comprehension questions
1.     What kind of resort are the Maldives?
2.     What class of tourists does the resort attract?
3.     What is the political situation on the islands like?
4.     How do tourists react to the crisis in the country?
5.     What can resort managers tell tourists?
6.     Is there any danger for tourists?
7.     What is the country’s government doing to help tourism?
8.     Why is tourism important for the Maldives?
9.     What future does tourism have on the islands?
10.  What warning has the Tourism Association given to the government?

 3 Say if the following statements are true according to the text.
1.     The Maldives are the playground for rich and famous.
2.     Every year 500000 tourists arrive on  the Maldives.
3.     Tourists are not afraid of the political crisis in the country, more and more people are coming to have holidays on the islands.
4.     The Maldives are a single island.
5.     There were clashes between police and protesters in the capital of the Maldives.
6.     Tourists think that clashes are not serious and do not cancel their holidays.
7.     Mohamed Nasheed is the new President of the island.
8.     Tourism is the national product of  the Maldives.
9.     Many locals work in tourism industry.
10. Tourism is not a lifeline industry in the Maldives.

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