
Monday 20 January 2014

Travel and Tourism: Opening Doors for Your Future

Watch the video and put the words into the gaps in the text


      People have always traveled for food, for trade, for war, for religious (1)______, and simply out of curiosity. What started as a walk out of a valley in Africa has now become what some say is the largest industry in the world. Today there are almost 924 million international travelers a year. Travel and tourism provide (2)______ for more than 217 million people not only in the obvious travel businesses: in airlines, (3)_____ lines, hotels and resorts, travel (4)_____, tour operators, parks and attractions. But with thousands of other enterprises and professions that depend on the industry from architects and (5)_____, advertising to information technology, people who grow and prepare food, create art and crafts for travelers to bring home, accountants and lawyers, and bankers. More that one out of fifteen workers in the world is somehow connected to the (6)______ industry. And that is growing, creating great (7)_______ for people in search of an exciting and (8)_______career.
         Travel and tourism has taken its place as a force for good and an opportunity for someone to make a difference. It is increasingly becoming a (9)______industry. People travel to enjoy real nature, (10)_______ forests; they travel to experience (11)______ cultures, music, rituals, and food. And when they do relax they want a lie on clean (12)_______ and swim in (13)______, clear water. Studies show that more people travel to experience environments and cultures unique from their own than to relax. A large majority of customers are more likely to choose an environmentally and (14)_______ friendly experience over one that is not. The tourism industry’s effort to preserve forests for example not only saves them as tourist (15)______, but also helps offset carbon produced by industry and transportation.
















 Global (16)_____not only threatens the world’s wellbeing but the business of tourism. The industry’s move to (17)______ tourism recognizes the fact that preserving those coral (18)_____, those forests, those cultures in not only the right thing to do but that if they are damaged  tourists would not want to visit and businesses and local communities will suffer. Tourism can bring prosperity to local communities, provide employment and revive arts and crafts and pride in cultural heritage. Developing local tourism industry can help lift people out of (19)_____. The travel and tourism industry is becoming a powerful force for (20)_____. But equally because it brings people together tourism can foster human (21)______ and peace. By becoming part of it you can help make a difference in the world.
         The tremendous growth of the travel and tourism industry not only in size but importance has created a great (22)_____ and tremendous opportunities for people who choose to make it a (23)_____. And as the demand for highly (24)_____ people grows, financial rewards are increasing rapidly. Rapid industry growth can mean rapid (25)_____ advancement. Unlike other industries there is something for almost every (26)______ and interest. Unlike other professions it is often possible to start (27)_____ and learn on the job. But there are many paths to advancements including higher education. Travel and tourism has become an important (28)_____ in colleges and universities worldwide which now offer advanced degrees in tourism.














1 Translate words and word combinations from English into Ukrainian and use them in your own sentences
Art and craft; accountant; lawyer; make a difference; clear; heritage; carbon; pilgrimage; rewarding; opportunity; pristine; community; revive; tremendous; sustainable.

2 Comprehension questions
1.     Why did people travel in the past? Why do they travel today?
2.     Do many people depend on the travel industry?
3.     What jobs are connected with tourism industry?
4.     What is green tourism? Is it popular among travelers?
5.     Is protection of environment important for tourism industry?
6.     What is the impact of tourism on local communities? How can tourism help change the lives of local residents?
7.     What kind of people are in demand in tourism industry? What opportunities does tourism industry create for people?
8.     What are the career prospect and financial rewards?
9.     Is education necessary to start a career in tourism?
10. Can a person get a degree in tourism from universities or colleges?

3 Say if the following statements are true according to the text.

1.     People started traveling in 20th century.
2.     One of fifteen workers in the world is somehow connected to tourism industry.
3.     Tourism industry is growing.
4.     Tourism is increasingly becoming a green industry.
5.     Tourists want environmentally and culturally friendly holidays.
6.     People travel just to relax, culture is not important for them.
7.     Tourism industry can bring much harm to local communities.
8.     Tourism makes people poor.
9.     It is almost impossible to start working in tourism instantly.
10. Financial rewards in the business are increasing rapidly.


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