National Health Service
Study the active vocabulary and focus on Ukrainian equivalents of English
creation створення
workforce трудові ресурси
charge стягувати плату
ambulance швидка
per capita на
душу населення
spending витрати
sprawl розтягувати
суб'єкт господарювання
baffling незбагненний
array безліч
board колегія
bitter opposition сильне протистояння
paymaster скарбник
rhyming slang римований сленг
turbulent бурхливий
advance прогрес
polio поліомієліт
drastically радикально
contraceptive pill протизаплідна таблетка
test-tube baby дитина, яка народилась в
результаті штучного запліднення
keyhole surgery лапароскопія
gene therapy
failure провал
appalling жахливий
neglect нехтування
vulnerable вразливий
cost-cutting скорочення
target ціль
endanger загрожувати
staffing кадрове
stretched перевантажений
shortage нестача
commonplace звичайний
founding principle основоположний
II Vocabulary focus. Study the words and word combinations, check your understanding
using flashcards, practise
their translation, spelling. Check
your knowledge in the test. Play matching
vocabulary game (match words to their translations to make
cards disappear) and save the planet from asteroids by typing in correct translation of the words.
Watch the video and fill in the gaps with the words from the list. There are
some words you don’t need to use.
Operated; world;
genetic; baby ; voluntary ; actually ; operation; operate on; cost ; visit ; most;
workforce; sounds ; dawn; workflow; sprawling
; creation; surgeries ; budget ; drawn; hit ; non-Brits; ambulance ; baffling ;
surgeon; closest; free; psyche; per capita ; boards; double ; designed; standards;
numerous ; sorely ; efficient ; regulation; strategy; deciding; religion; charge
; groups; reformed;
The National Health Service has been called ‘the 1)___________ thing the British have to a 2)___________’. Ever since its 3)___________
in 1948, it’s held a special place in the national 4)___________. And right from the beginning its 5)___________ has been 6)___________ from all over the 7)___________. The one thing most 8)___________ know about the NHS is that
it’s 9)___________. So if you 10)___________ the doctor, it’s free, if
you need an 11)___________, it’s free,
having a 12)___________ is free,
parking at the hospital is… Actually, they
13)___________ you for parking at the
hospital, but if you get 14)___________
by a car and need to go to a hospital by 15)___________
it’s free. While the NHS may be free to use, it’s not 16)___________ free. Next year’s health 17)___________ will be something like 140 billion pounds. The total
18)___________ works out to about two
thousand pounds per year per person which 19)___________
a lot but that’s actually quite low by international 20)___________. In the US, for example, 21)___________ healthcare spending is more than 22)___________ that. The NHS may be one
of the most 23)___________ health
services in the world, but it’s also a 24)___________
entity. UK-wide there is a 25)___________
array of NHS bodies: over 500 clinical commissioning 26)___________, health 27)___________,
and hospital trusts, about 8,000 GP 28)___________
plus the 29)___________ sector, private
providers, and others. It also has 30)___________
separate bodies for 31)___________,
trading, good 32)___________, ooh. Where
was I? If that sounds like a system 33)___________
in need of a reform? That is the 34)___________
version, the product of the 2012 Act of Parliament 35)___________ to give much more power to doctors and 36)___________ how the money gets spent.
Watch the video and fill in the gaps in the text.
In fact, the whole 1)___________ of the NHS is a series of 2)___________ between 3)___________ and doctors. When the
Labour 4)___________ first created
the NHS in 1948, it was in the face of bitter 5)___________ from the doctors’ trade union, British Medical
Association. One leading member of the BMA at the time said the NHS was the
first 6)___________ and a big one
towards national 7)___________ and
called the Health Minister, Aneurin Bevan, a medical Fuhrer. Move 8)___________ to the present day,
doctors are barely more 9)___________
about their political 10)___________.
The current Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has found his name’s become, 11)___________ for him, rhyming 12)___________ for c…. But if NHS history
has been politically 13)___________,
it has also been packed with clinical 14)___________.
In 1958 polio and diphtheria 15)___________
were rolled out nationally, drastically 16)___________
deaths from these 17)___________. In
the 1960s the contraceptive pill was given first to married women, then all 18)___________ who wanted it. 1978 saw the
world’s first test-tube baby 19)_____ ______, 1979 the first UK heart 20)___________. The 1980s saw pioneering
use of keyhole 21)___________ and in
2002 the first gene 22)___________. But
with glorious 23)___________ there
have also been terrible 24)___________.
In 2013 a report into appalling patient 25)___________
at Stafford Hospital identified hundreds of 26)___________
people who 27)___________ at the
hands of staff and 28)____ _______ a culture change in the NHS. Patients,
the report said, were let down by a system that put 29)___________ and target chasing ahead of the 30)___________ of care. Winter brings the services biggest 31)___________. Seasonal colds and flus
can 32)___________ the already sick, staffing
is stretched, and most non-hospital 33)___________
close for the holidays. Hospital bed 34)___________
are 35)___________ in winter. Despite
these challenges, the NHS mostly works and its 36)___________ principle remains a point of 37)___________: ‘universal health care free at the point of use’.
V Watch all the parts of the video and
answer the questions.
What is NHS and what principles is it founded on?
Which of the services provided by the NHS are free?
What is the history of the UK National Healthcare service? What is the
relationship between the Healthcare Service and UK politics or politicians?
What components apart from hospitals does of the National Healthcare service include?
What is the annual healthcare spending in the UK?
What were the biggest advances of the NHS?
What problems does the National Healthcare service have?
OVER TO YOU. Try to briefly explain the basics of your national healthcare system
and compare it to the UK National Healthcare Service. What are the
similarities? Are there any differences?
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