
Tuesday 19 June 2018

The Internet is after your Job

The Internet is after your Job

I Warm-up.
A) Write down as many names of jobs as you can in 3 minutes. Compare your list with your group mates’ ideas.
B) Which jobs on your list still exist today? What jobs have already disappeared (if they are not on your list think of some jobs)? What new jobs have appeared in 21st century? What are they?
C) What jobs are skilled and which are unskilled?
D) Which of the jobs would you like to have or try doing in future and why? What jobs do not seem interesting for you and why?

II Study the active vocabulary and focus on Ukrainian equivalents of English words.

obsolete що вийшов з загального вжитку, застарілий
unskilled некваліфікований
manual labour фізична праця
affect впливати
working class робочий клас
educated освічений
 creative industry розважальна індустрія
 value вартість
shrink скорочувати
 drastically різко
poised готовий
disrupt порушити
preserve прерогатива
middle class середній клас
accountant бухгалтер
 lawyer   адвокат
simplify спрощувати
legal document юридичний документ
overhyped переоцінений  
remain залишатися
competition конкурент
higher education вища освіта
secure гарантований
upscale розширити масштаби
app додаток
 put in touch with   допомагати зв’язатися з
 GP лікар загальної практики, терапевт
cloud service хмарний сервіс
ailment нездужання
compete конкурувати
diagnose діагностувати
commodification виведення на ринок
worldwide світовий
freelance позаштатний
workforce робоча сила
winner-takes-all переможець отримує все
local business місцеве підприємство
depend on покладатися на
regular customer постійний клієнт
cut loose звільнити
lack нестача
employee benefits виплати та пільги для співробітників
get paid отримувати платню
majority більшість
stand out виділятися
crowd натовп
carve вибивати
niche ніша
suitably відповідним чином
lucrative прибутковий
billion мільярд
giant величезний
monopoly монополія
pitch презентувати
renowned знаменитий
field of expertise галузь спеціалізації
III Vocabulary focus. Study the words and  word combinations, check your understanding using flashcards, practise their translationspelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play matching vocabulary game (match words to their translations to make cards disappear)  and save the planet from asteroids by typing in correct translation of the words.

IV Watch the video and fill in the gaps with the words from the list. There are some words you don’t need to use.

employs; unskilled; fight; progress; affected; watching; destroys; overrated; never; upscale; now;  however; working; vision; creative; middle; educated; information; professions; alright; know; potential; music; security; technology;  faster; how; Internet; generation; value; career;

Technology 1)______ jobs. We 2)______ this. It has the 3)______ to make entire 4)______ obsolete 5)______ than you can say ‘Xerox’. Oh, well, people thought: “6)______ mind. It’s the price of 7)______.” But that was because it was largely 8)______ manual labour jobs that were 9)______, working-class jobs. And as long as you were 10)______, you’d be 11)______. But then came the 12)______.
          Sure, the 13)______ classes are still losing jobs to 14)______, but now it’s hitting 15)______ classes too. And within a 16)______ we may find that there’s no such thing as a 17)______ or at least not one with any 18)______. For a 19)______ of the future look at the 20)______ industries. We’ve become so used to 21)______ films, listening to 22)______ or getting 33)______ for free, that their 24)______ has shrunk drastically.

V Watch the video. Focus on the part devoted to the use of technology to get a diagnosis or a piece of advice from a doctor. Note down the complaints or ailments people in the video have (they are written in speech bubbles).

VI Watch the video and choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

That same mnemonic/economy/economic model is now poised to disrupt all sorts of industries/industrial/streets that were typically the preserve of the meddle/middle/needle class, such as accounted/ account/accountants, lawyers, teachers/teaches/preachers, and to some degree doctor’s/proctors/doctors. Online services such as Crunch and Free Agent are taking the place of the why treat/high street/ light breed accountant. Companies such as LegalZoom and Rocket Lawyer are amplifying/simplifying/implying the process of creating lethal documents/legal doctrines/legal documents. And whilst MOOCs, massively open online courses, may have been overhyped, they remain competition/compete/competed for higher education. “Ah, but”, - say the doctors: “we’re assure/not sure/secure. We have a personal intersection/connected/connection with each of our patients. You can’t upscale our profession/impression/professed”. True. But there’re already apps/props/drops like HealthTap and Doctor on Demand which can put patients directly in large/touch/touched with a GP/JP/RP from their cellular/smartphone/smart homes. Imagine that combined with a allowed service/cloud service/proud service like TaskRabbit where you could send a list/twist/listing of jobs, or say invents/allies/ailments, and hundreds of doctors around the world compete to diagnose/impose/propose you. This is the commodification of laborious/harbour/labour where any one task or service can be put out to a hungry worried/worldwide/worrying and freelance workforce. Where it’s winner-takes-all and no one local business/local impression/legal papers could depend on regular customs/customers/customs officers. And even those who are working can’t make any warranted/guarded/guarantees where invented/innovative/innovations are concerned. For example, what’s to stop a company/accompanied/companion like taxi app Uber cutting loose its tens of thousands of diver/driving/drivers once driverless/dive for less/driven cars become replace/ in place/commonplace?

VII  Watch the video and fill in the gaps in the text.

So what prospects do we have for finding secure 1)____, work that 2)____well enough to cover our new lack of formal employee 3)____in this new informal 4)____? After all, you can’t get 5)____in likes. And what about the 6)____that will make up the 7)____of the working population now migrating to the 8)____? Well, the trick may be to stand out from the 9)____by carving your own niche, an area of your 10)____which is suitably specialist but which isn’t lucrative enough that you’ll be competing with 11)____of freelancers or one giant 12)____. And go global, pitch yourself to the world and become renowned for your particular 13)____of expertise. Or if that doesn’t work, you could become a 14)____.  

VIII Watch the video. Note down the suggested ‘new niches’ or ‘areas of expertise’ (they are written on name tags). Which of these new jobs (they are humorous jobs) would you like to try? What new ‘jobs’ of the same kind can you invent (think of at least 2).

IX Watch all parts of the video and answer the questions.
1.    What dangers does technology present to the jobs in 21st century?
2.    What jobs are affected by the technology today?
3.    How can people use apps to get the services previously delivered by professionals? What apps and services can help (give examples)?
4.    What jobs are more secure than others against the threat of technology?
5.    Does technology compete with higher education? Why or why not?
6.    If all people become freelancers, what would happen to their employee benefits?
7.    How does technology affect local business? Is there still such a phenomenon as a regular customer today?
8.    What should people who don’t want to lose their jobs do? Where can they find work?

X OVER TO YOU. Think of your career or the job you are studying for. How is this job affected by the development of Internet? Will this job become obsolete in future? If no, how would it change under the influence of technology? How can you adapt to the change in workforce to compete with millions of freelancers in the new labour market?

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