Showing posts with label polity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label polity. Show all posts

Monday 9 June 2014

Diplomatic norms and rules

Ultimately, diplomacy rests on a norm of coexistence, allowing polities “to live and let live.” In the words of Garrett Mattingly, “unless people realize that they have to live together, indefinitely, in spite of their differences, diplomats have no place to stand.” Acceptance of coexistence reflects the realization on the part of polities that they are mutually dependent to a significant degree. Interdependence may be, and is most often, asymmetrical. Yet coexistence implies, if not equality, at least equal rights to participate in international intercourse.
Whereas the specific rules of the institution of diplomacy have varied over time, reciprocity appears to be a core normative theme running through all diplomatic practice. Reciprocity implies that exchanges should be of roughly equivalent values. In other words, reciprocity is meant to produce “balanced” exchanges. Moreover, reciprocity entails contingency, insofar as actions are conditional on responses from others.
Reciprocal behavior returns good for good, ill for ill. The norm of reciprocity lends an amount of predictability to diplomatic relations. While not offering exact predictability, it makes it possible for polities to know the general range of possible outcomes of their exchanges. The distinction between specific and diffuse reciprocity is pertinent in this connection. Specific reciprocity refers to “situations in which specified partners exchange items of equivalent value in a strictly delimited sequence,” whereas in situations of diffuse reciprocity “the definition of equivalence is less precise … and the sequence of events is less narrowly bounded.” Diffuse reciprocity implies that the parties do not insist on immediate and exactly equivalent reciprocation of each and every concession, on an appropriate “quid” for every “quo.”
Buyers and sellers of houses or cars practice specific reciprocity; families or groups of close friends rely on diffuse reciprocity. Reciprocity in diplomatic relations falls in between, or oscillates between the two poles. The difference between the two types of reciprocity has to do with trust. Whereas the kind of trust that binds families together is most often lacking in the relations between polities, the institution of diplomacy lends a modicum of trust that distinguishes these relations from, say, those
between buyers and sellers.
In fact, if we posit contingency and equivalence as the two basic dimensions of social exchange characterizing reciprocity, we can identify mixed reciprocity patterns. A highly contingent action is a fairly immediate response to an action taken by another, whereas a less contingent action may take place after a longer period of time or even in advance of the other’s action. Equivalence refers to a comparison of the perceived values of goods given and received. Contingency and equivalence vary continuously, but if we – for analytical purposes – treat them dichotomously, we end up with four types of reciprocity.
The practice of expelling foreign diplomats for espionage may illustrate specific reciprocity. States today recognize that when they expel diplomats from a foreign country, that government is likely to respond in kind by immediately expelling an equivalent number of their own diplomats. The anticipation of specific reciprocity therefore often deters states from uncooperative behavior.
Compliance with the norms and rules guiding diplomatic exchange can be seen as an instance of diffuse reciprocity. Specific repayment is not expected from such behavior, and mutual benefits are assumed to even out over the long term. During the Concert of Europe era, for example, statesmen made more concessions to others than was specifically required. Similar patterns of diffuse reciprocity can be observed in the European Union of today.

Figure 1 Patterns of reciprocity

The mixed pattern of reciprocity in the lower-left cell of Figure 1 occurs when actors are concerned about short-term outcomes, but less concerned about the specific value of individual exchanges. Consider, for example, the exchanges between the United States and China prior to the mutual presidential visits in 1997 and 1998. President Clinton was pressured by Congress, which was seeking to impose sanctions against China because of its human-rights violations, to secure a significant human-rights concession from China as a prerequisite for the state visit. Just before Jiang Zemin’s arrival in the United States, a prominent Chinese political prisoner was released. While one political prisoner’s freedom could not be – and was not – considered “equal” in value to the political and economic benefits China was likely to reap from the summit, the US Administration was apparently sufficiently satisfied with this specific concession to welcome the Chinese President and negotiate a wide range of issues.
The upper-right cell signifies a different mixed pattern, where actors are concerned about the specific value of an individual exchange but focus on longer-term relations. An example may be John Foster Dulles’s refusal to shake hands with Zhou Enlai at the 1954 Geneva Conference, which was read by the Chinese as a signal of American rejection and contempt and harmed US–Chinese relations for years to come.
Among the procedural rules of diplomacy, immunity has assumed prominence throughout history. The inviolability of diplomatic agents is seen to be a prerequisite for the establishment of stable relations between polities. “Rooted in necessity, immunity was buttressed by religion, sanctioned by custom, and fortified by reciprocity.” The sanctity of diplomatic messengers in the ancient world implied inviolability and thus foreshadowed more recent notions of diplomatic immunity.
Traditional codes of hospitality may have contributed to the notion of according diplomatic envoys inviolability. “The ancient Greeks and Romans considered it impious to injure a guest, as did the Celts, the Gauls, and the Teutons.” The most perennial and robust foundation of diplomatic immunity seems to be functional necessity: the privileges and immunities that diplomatic envoys have enjoyed throughout the ages have simply been seen as necessary to enable diplomats to perform their functions.

?After-reading activities

1 Comprehension questions
1 What does coexistence mean?
2 What does the concept of reciprocity stand for?
3 What types of reciprocity can be singled out? Give examples of each type.
4 What type of reciprocity do diplomatic relations involve?
5 What are the basic dimensions of social exchanges? Give examples of each type.
6 What is specific reciprocity? What diplomatic actions can illustrate this concept?
7 What is diffuse reciprocity? What is the difference between diffuse and specific reciprocity?
8 Where do patterns of mixed reciprocity occur? Give examples.
9 What does diplomatic immunity mean?
10 What are the historical foundations for immunity?

Work with the dictionary and consult the text to do tasks 2 and 3

2 Translate  words and word combinations  from English into  Ukrainian and use them in your own sentences
         Coexistence; mutually; interdependence; intercourse; reciprocity; to imply; to entail; contingency; predictability; diffuse; quid; quo; to oscillate; modicum; pattern; dichotomously; espionage; anticipation; imprecise; short-term; wide range of issues; inviolability; to buttress; to foreshadow; notion; impious; perennial

3 Translate from Ukrainian into English

Рівність; випадковість, непередбачувана обставина; виганяти; шпигунство; що не співпрацює, неузгоджений у діях; взаємна вигода; довгостроковий; "європейський концерт" (перша стійка міжнародна система сформована на Віденському конгресі 1815 р.); поступка; наслідок; передумова; вітати, гостинно приймати; вести переговори; дипломатичний представник; схалювати; гостинність; уповноважений

4 Complete the sentences with words or phrases from the list
Inviolability; norm; reciprocity; Concert of Europe; equivalence; welcome; negotiated; contingent; interdependence; espionage

1.     The postwar era, however, has seen the principle of rotation become the _______.
2.     The government preaches the virtues of __________, cooperation and human values.
3.     Third, certain principles which have been employed to justify diplomatic privilege, namely the sovereignty of the sending state and __________, have not been used to justify international privileges.

4.     Thus the development of European diplomacy can be located in terms not so much of a theory of modernization through government development as of the __________ nature of a states system that was distinctive, rather than modern.
5.     This diplomacy of assertion reflected the extent to which the Security Council represented a very public breach with any principle of _________ between sovereign bodies.
6.     __________, much of which involved postal interception and deciphering, was  significant, not least for spying on foreign diplomats.
7.     The peaceful (to Western publics) management of the expansion of rival empires was an important instance of a more general process by which the _______   ___ ______ adapted to a range of challenges and changes.
8.     On the other hand, they cannot ________ their publics sharing their own convictions about the notional quality of international politics because, in the end, they think that international order depends upon such notions being accepted.
9.     There are no big secrets to be revealed, only small uncertainties to be __________ on a case-by-case basis.
10. The first stage, beginning in 1804, witnessed the extension of the status of neutrality and the protection of __________ to various riparian commissions and of "diplomatic privileges" to some international commissions.

5 Say if the following statements are true according to the text.
1 Coexistence is impossible without equality.
2 Reciprocity means exchange of equivalent values.
3 Reciprocity makes diplomatic relations more predictable.
4 Specific reciprocity implies that the parties do not insist on immediate and exactly equivalent reciprocation of each and every concession.
5 Equivalence means comparison of the values of goods given and received.
6 Expelling diplomats is the case of diffused reciprocity.
7 In European Union examples of diffuse reciprocity can be found.
8 The sanctity of diplomatic messengers in the ancient world was not connected with diplomatic immunity.
9 The ancient Greeks and Romans considered it impolite to injure a guest.
10 Diplomatic immunity is rooted in functional necessity.

  Write an essay on norms and rules in Ukrainian diplomacy. Illustrate the key notions discussed in the text with the examples involving Ukrainian diplomats and officials.