Showing posts with label unexpected reboot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unexpected reboot. Show all posts

Sunday 11 May 2014

IT crowd - the daily life of IT support

1 Vocabulary focus. Study the words and  word combinations, practise their translation, spelling. Check your knowledge in the test. Play vocabulary game and set your own vocabulary game record.

2 Watch the video   and put the words into the gaps in the sentences.

Cut to Roy’s desk in the basement. Phone is ringing and he is drinking coffee and licking doughnut sugar from his fingers.(answers phone)
1.     Hello IT.  Have you tried ___________ again? OK, well, the _____ on the side. Is it _____?  Yeah, you need to turn it on. Err, the button turns it on.
Moss enters and tosses Roy a muffin
2.     Yeah, you do know how a button works, don’t you? No, not on clothes.
3.     Have you tried forcing an _________?
4.     No, there you go, I just heard it come on. No, that’s the music you hear when it comes on. No, that’s the music you hear when... I’m sorry, are you from the ____?
5.     You see the drive hooks a ____ by ____ the system core table so it’s not safe to unload it unless another _____ is about to jump in there and do its stuff. And you don’t want to end up in the middle of invalid ____. (laughs) Hello?
6.     Did you and her, _____?
7.     Did she continue talking to you once you’d ____ her computer?
8.     No. And while I was working on it, she ___ a cup on my back.
9.     It’s like they’re ____ when there’s a problem with their printer, but once it’s fixed...

3 Fill in the blanks in the sentences with words and word combinations, each word and word combination can be used two times.

Button; turn off; fix;  unexpected reboot; unload; patching; glow; threads

1.     Somewhere along the line, an IE popup warned her that her system was at risk, click the button to _____.
2.     So much of the performance work around MySQL has been around better handling multiple ______ operating over the same data structure.
3.     The company could let natural replacement take its course, and keep ____ XP until it reaches a lower share of all Windows PCs, that share set and publicized by Microsoft.
4.     Amdahl would later coin Amdahl’s Law, which, holds that any performance gains that come from breaking a computer task into parallel operations is offset by the additional overhead incurred by managing multiple _____.
5.     Seagate talks about “load/____ cycles”. But here's the thing - if a mechanical drive fails, very often the data can be recovered from the platter(s) because the mechanics fail, not the storage medium.
6.     Developers will be able to use Visual Studio for all this, which will include a variety of diagnostic tools that will allow developers to see if a problem is occurring in their apps on all Windows platforms, and if so, ____ them all.
7.     Since December, little was said about Yahoo’s intention to ____ Delicious until recently. Earlier this month, The Next Web reported Yahoo was about to sell Delicious for as much as $5 million.
8.     Six button lights on my two monitors ____ orange. The PC power button blinks bright green.
9.     The average consumer is not particularly security-savvy. They’re probably not going to use a VPN or a VLAN, or ____ the broadcast function on their Wi-Fi router.
10. The absence of the menu, and the associated Start ____, in the original Windows 8 of 2012 was widely criticized by customers.
11. And on Friday, one of the researchers who judges bug report entries issued a plea to other security experts to join the hunt for flaws in Adobe’s Flash Player, the media player notorious for its vulnerability volume and frequent _____.
12. Even in a  well-lit room, the keys ____ brightly enough to be easily seen.
13. Should the hard drive experience a problem like an _____ or removal without being ejected properly - the two most common causes of damage to directory structures - the file system can rely on the transaction log to repair the damage.
14. In addition, some features aren’t accessed via the big, colorful ____, but instead via tiny white icons at the bottom of the screen.
15.  “If they ____ cookies today,” he says, “tomorrow you will have a less transparent identifier out there. Companies will switch to statistical identification techniques, which are invisible to the user”.  
16.  Microsoft acknowledged the problem announced on Nov. 27 that a fix for the _______ was in the works and would be released sometime in December.

4 Match the phrase to the speaker
 Maurice Moss
Roy Trenneman

1.     Have you tried turning it off and on again?
2.     Yeah, you need to turn it on. Err, the button turns it on.
3.     Yuhuh. Have you tried forcing an unexpected reboot?
4.     No, that’s the music you hear when... I’m sorry, are you from the past?
5.     Well why don’t you come down here and make me then.
6.     You think I’m afraid of you? I’m not afraid of you, you can come down here any time and I’ll be waiting for ya!
7.     It’s like they’re pally-wally when there’s a problem with their printer, but once it’s fixed...
8.     Define, hit it off.
9.     If there were such a thing as a drudgeon, that is what we would be to them.
10. And while I was working on it, she rested a cup on my back.
11. Unbelievable.
12. No respect whatsoever. We’re all just drudgeons to them.
13. They toss us away like yesterday’s jam.
14. It’s about time you got back it’s been all go.

5 Answer the Questions

1.     How did Roy react to the calls? What kind of answers did he give?
2.     What was the user’s problem with the computer? Why couldn’t the user solve it himself?
3.      What was Moss’s method of giving tech support? What problem did his caller have? How did their conversation go?
4.     How did Roy spend his workdays? What kind of tasks did he have to complete? Was his work successful?
5.     How did employees upstairs treat IT department? Why did Moss compare himself and Roy to yesterday’s jam?
6.     Was this comparison accurate in Roy’s opinio